Sunday, December 27, 2015


I'm ready to have a really lazy Sunday. I might not even get out of my pj's! I spent yesterday morning running around shopping.  Tractor Supply had the dog food back in stock (whew!) so I was happy about that. Then I did my grocery shopping at a couple of stores. I got most of it at Target. One day last week they had Target gift cards for 10% off, so I bought a $100 giftcard for $90 and used that yesterday for my groceries.

I took a nice long nap yesterday afternoon. I really was sleeping hard - must've needed it.  After dinner we watched a movie called "Whiplash". It was an ok movie. Something to pass the time. I started reading the book (a Janet Evanovich book) DH got me for Christmas.

We have found a home we REALLY like and at a price that is at the low end of our budget. 2.5 acres. A home built in 1979, but has been recently completely remodeled inside. It's only 1528 sq ft, but laid out really nice, plus it has an awesome screened in sun porch (which I don't think is included in the total sq ft) that I love. I did the math and at this price we potentially (if we could get what the realtor told us for our place) have enough equity to move NOW! I can't begin to tell you how appealing that is.

But, due to the distance from the major city I would need to work in, if I can't keep my current job and work remote, this place would only work for us if I can keep my current job. It would be at least an hour commute each way and that is too much to do 5x a week.

If anyone has any suggestions on how best to approach my boss with this request that I work remotely 100%, I would love to hear them. I currently work remotely almost 75% now, but I'm only 40 miles from the home would be 500 miles from the office! LOL.  I plan to talk to her about it in the next 3-4 weeks or so.  I really have no idea if she (and owners) will go for it. I know she loves me. I know I have been there over 10 years and I have their trust. I know she will freak out at the thought of having to replace me. So, I have those things going for me. She is also 100% aware of what we have been going through the past 2 1/2 years with our drug neighborhood and also that DH's health doesn't need any of this stress.

We have some friends (our age) who are basically doing the same thing. They are moving out of state, except they are much better off financially (she is a vp for company and this couple's main source of income) so were able to buy their new house without selling their old house first. BUT, they thought they had it all planned out. She has worked for her company for over 30 years. She makes a BUTTload of money. She was going to work remote and fly back to the office like once a month for a couple of days. Now it's all changed - her company is trying to boot her out of her job. She's a wiley, shrewd person, so she got a lawyer and a doctor to put her on temporary medical leave due to her high blood see where this is going, right?'s just not something I could ever do and sleep at night. But they are going to end up in their dream home and she probably won't have to work to boot!

Here are a few pics of the house I just love
                                                                      Entry foyer

                                                                      LOVE THIS!

                        And the view (actually mountains like this on both sides of valley)

We are at least getting closer to being able to make our dream come true.  Hopefully sometime by the end of 2016 this will happen for us. The asking price of this property is $269,000. At 20% down we'd need $54,000. We are also estimating $5,000 moving costs. The realtor we contacted a couple of months ago said $250,000 for our place (and zillow has gone up a couple thousand since then). Right now, that would give us $60,000 in equity plus currently I have approx. $3000 in savings, so we even have some breathing room at this price.


  1. The place is beautiful! I really hope you can work out the job arrangement. No clue how to approach it though.

  2. That place looks awesome! One question, if your job did let you work 100% from home but then something happened to that job down the road would you still have access to other jobs or would you be stuck with an hour commute into the nearest city?

    1. That is definitely something we are considering in our decision of where we ultimately end up. Like I told DH, down the road a year or two they could say it isn't working for them and then I'd have to find a job. I'm just glad DH is finally looking at properties in the low end of our budget that can get us out of here sooner, rather than later
