Thursday, July 2, 2015

Hot weather and memory issues

Summers are cool and mild around here. Not in the 80's and 90's day after day...after day. And there is no end in sight for the long term forecast. I just want one day of rain and 70 degrees - LOL.  I think the hardest part of it all for me is I do not feel like cooking dinner when it's 93 degrees outside, which makes it hard to figure out what to eat when it's like this every day. Ugh.

I'm starting to see some memory problem signs in my mom (74 years old) that are getting a bit worrisome. For the past year or so she has had a problem forgetting a word/name for something during a conversation. She's talking away about something and then suddenly can't think of the word she wants to use. Now it's starting to happen more frequently and sometimes more than once in a conversation. The other day when DD took her to her doctor appointment, DD drove over to her house and then they were taking my mom's car. A Prius. A car she has had for about 6 years now. DD was going to drive (having never driven it) and since it's keyless, it doesn't start like a normal car. There is a process of several steps before you can drive away. My mom could not remember how to start her car! This is a car she gets into and drives every single day! Finally DD says to her - what do you do when you get in your car? Grandma says "I'm trying to think" DD was like "don't think - just do whatever you always do to start your car". Finally, they got it going.  It also worries me that DD had to even take her in the first place, as like I said, she's always going here and there by herself, every day. Her dad died of Alzheimer's and while I don't know if there is any heredity involved with the disease, I guess I need to keep an eye on if she seems to be getting worse. The problem is it's all so gradual, even if it is just normal old age memory loss. Plus, since she got a boyfriend several years ago, I don't see her near as much as I used to, as she spends all weekends (and several weekdays, quite often) at his place. Since I'm not around her as much in person, I only have phone conversations and emails to judge how she is doing. 

My Friday's off work/3 day weekends start tomorrow (though tomorrow is a paid holiday). I'm really looking forward to the shorter work week and longer weekends for the next couple of months. But who the heck wants to paint rooms when it's so hot? Hmmphh!

In other exciting news my white clematis planted at the front arbor has started to bloom! Now I have purple and white flowers and it's looking so great. A few of the sweet pea seeds I planted on the back arbor have grown quite a bit and a couple are starting to weave through the bottom of the lattice. But sadly, most of the plants/leaves are getting eaten by bugs or something. While the flowers (if I ever get any) are my favorite, they have been a disappointment for me. Slow growing and slow to bloom, I do not see that the sides of the arbor will be filled with vines and flowers for the summer. I think that I will probably end up planting clematis at that arbor, too. They seem hardier and grow really fast. They are already all the way up both sides of my front arbor.


  1. I would love to see pictures of your growing plants. I need inspiration and success stories. Our little pots of flowers are mostly still with us, although we apparently fried one with too much sun. DH has been trying to revive it with a sunny/shady spot and water, but sadly it's definitely dead. The others seem to be thriving to the point where we need to trim them back a bit. This gardening thing seems to take awhile to figure out.

    1. I just took a few pics and will put up a post with them :)

  2. I can see why you are worried about your mom. I would definitely keep a close eye on her. We will be in the mom ship together:)

  3. It could be dehydration......that will mimic some signs of dementia, especially since you say it's been so hot where you live.
    How about you get her dr. to run a few Alzheimer's tests the next yearly physical she has?

    The flowers sound lovely. I am just hoping the 2 months of almost constant rain and gray here don't drown my plants! It's been bizarre weather just about everywhere this year. The local weather man keeps saying we have a drought(deficit in our water table)but it can't possibly still be true after all this rain!! lol

    1. She's always been one to drink lots of water. In fact she was mentioning that the other day
