Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Daily stuff

I worked from home yesterday, so I could go with DD to her foot specialist doctor appointment. Her 2 big toes are AWFUL! She has always had really thick toenails on her big toes, but the last year or two they started getting dark, thicker and even uglier looking. When she was home on winter break I took her in and she saw one of the docs at the place DH and I go to. He prescribed an oral medicine for 3 months. Nothing changed and during Spring break she went back in and saw a different doctor (actually a PA), who kept her on the oral med for another 3 months, along with a topical antifungal medication. So, a few weeks ago she went back to the doctor (this time finally getting in to see my doctor) who told her those medications don't work and she was referring her to a foot specialist to have her nails removed.

Foot specialist, first off, said it usually takes a full year to see the results of the oral and topical medications. AND she was only supposed to be on the oral medication for 3 months, because it's dangerous to the liver (the docs did at least do liver tests on DD while she was on it), so he wasn't very happy about that. He also told her that if he removes the nails it doesn't grow back. His recommendation was to give it the rest of the year and see if the oral meds start working on the nails (he could see 1mm of clear growth on one nail). He ground her nails down much thinner and is having her apply some topical mediation. Twice a day on the affected toenails, once a week on her other nails and top of feet, just to be safe, along with some shoe spray.

Weekend before last, when I was vacuuming the last bit of the house, my vacuum started making a weird knocking noise. I tried to see if there was a clog. DH was super busy that day (and over-doing it) out in the shop, so I didn't want to bother him to take it apart, so I parked it back in the closet to wait a few days. I took it out and determined it was the rotator brush making the noise and assumed it was the belt. It seemed a bit loose and in 2 1/2 years had never been replaced. I went and got a new belt (which then I could tell the old one was really stretched out), but that didn't help. DH then took a look at it and somehow the rotator brush seemed like it got bent. It was not spinning evenly. Weird. I went online with Bissell and a new one was around $23. Then I found an after market one on Amazon for $15. It's made of wood - not plastic! When's the last time you saw that?! The reviews on it were all great and everyone said it worked better than the original part. Thanks to 2 day Amazon Prime shipping it showed up yesterday. I put it on, along with the new belt and worked like a charm. Plus DH had taken it outside and really cleaned it out. It was so nice to vacuum again. I was going nuts seeing the carpet - we get so much dog and cat fur.

DD was already approved for her apartment lease and signed the lease last night. They asked for a co-signer, since she is a student and no income. I thought it would be an application where I would have to give my employment, salary, etc. I assumed they would do a credit check on me and a bit worried that our bankruptcy might affect me being able to co-sign, but if nothing else, Grandma could certainly co-sign (she's paying for the apartment anyway). They emailed me the co-signing form and it was just a statement saying I agree to co-sign/pay the rent if DD doesn't. It asked for no personal info. It had to be notarized, so we ran over to our bank and had them notarize it and I scanned it and emailed it right back to the lady (plus she needed me to mail the original back). Last night, DD got the email that her lease was done and ready to be electronically signed! She was so happy and excited.

I will write more about this later, but I have started cutting sugar (and by default, most processed foods) out of my diet. Day 3........I'm surviving :)


  1. DD's toe issues sound painful! Just reading "ground her nails ..." made me cringe. Hopefully the medication starts working the positive effects become more apparent soon. She must also be so excited about her apartment. I remember cosigning for both my kids on their first places, and compared to the applications they had to complete my cosigning was a breeze.

    1. It makes me cringe too LOL, but there has never been any pain involved for her. Even the grinding was just a vibration/tickly feeling. They are just UGLY! Her application process for the apartment wasn't too bad. She had a pretty short application and for the income they asked for paystub, bank statements or tax return, so she just sent copies of her last bank statements. I'm sure it helped that she has about $10k in her accounts, even though she isn't employed right now.

    2. I remember you saying in previous posts that she is/was a great saver from her serving days. Will she move in next month or September?

    3. Not until September. Classes don't until the last week of September. So I get to have her home a couple more months

  2. I suggest looking up tea tree oil applying everyday to toenails and the neato-xv21 robot vacuum is amazing for picking up dog hair- just got one last week and haven't had to vacuum myself in a week floors never looked better got refurbished model on eBay $215 pricy but worth it if u have trouble keeping up with dog hair

    1. thanks for the suggestions! The medicine the dr. gave her does have tea tree oil in it, so hopefully it will work. I do still want a new vacuum cleaner sooner rather than later and will look into your suggestion. I haven't heard of that brand. Mine works ok, but the inside seems to clog up with the pet hair easily, so I'm always having to take it apart and clean insides.

  3. This is a robot vacuum still need a regular one to do some areas but I love not having to vacuum much now we have the shark which works great but still have to unclog dog hair occasionally

    1. I did look it up and realized it's a robot type and thought same thing. It would be good for like daily runs over the floors and then vacuum with the big one regularly. I think I really want a regular vacuum that is cordless and bagless. Still trying to decide. I'm tired of having to buy a vacuum every few years.

    2. It's RIDICULOUSLY expensive, but we have the Dyson cordless vac and absolutely love it. DH was skeptical - no vacuum is worth $300 - but I insisted. Once we got and he used it only a couple of times, he immediately understood why I really wanted that one and that it's worth the extra cost.
