Thursday, July 2, 2015

Flowers and plants pictures

                                      Just for Janelle - who needs a bit of gardening inspiration :)

 Front arbor with purple and now white clematis growing and blooming. Love the new white blooms - they are so big! The wind chime is really cute, but it's so heavy that it takes a lot of wind to make it chime.

                          One of the whiskey barrels when flowers were first planted in May
One of the whiskey barrel planters today. I don't know why I bother putting the marigolds in the middle - you can't even see them now
Front of house.  Red rose bush blooming in center. Off in the distance you can see the island, out in   the driveway, we put in last summer

                                     Wishing well DH built me, now filled with petunias

A fuchsia bush - very easy care. Blooms all summer. I don't even water this one. In Fall just cut it down to the ground and it grows back every year. There is also some white morning glory growing throughout the bush. How it got there I have no idea. We replanted this bush from my grandparents yard years ago and it must have come with the roots, LOL
                            Front window flower boxes - petunia and trailing lobelia
Back french doors. You can kind of see my new wind chimes in the foreground (I can hear them right now!) I'm now kind of wishing I could have gotten bigger pots  for each side of the door. Maybe next year and I can use these somewhere else.

In the "park" in the backyard.  My old falling apart bench I tried to make into a planter. Partial success. It hasn't gotten very "full", probably because it's in the shade most of the time. I will probably try something different next summer.

The front section of the "park" Once we cleared out all the brush, we found these fallen trees, so left them there and let a few of the natural ferns keep growing. My new sundial birdbath sitting inside the other birdbath. The birds have never used this blue bird bath (I read they do not like ceramic shiny glaze) so I sat the antique store find birdbath inside it. I'm still looking for some kind of pedestal base for it, but haven't been out much to search.

Fire pit area, with bird (and mostly squirrel) feeding and watering behind. There are also a couple of other bird feeders that aren't visible in this picture.  The cedar 2-seater I got at a yard sale for $10 bucks.

The key word in all this - water, water, water - everyday! :-)


  1. everything is looking so pretty, well done.

  2. I'm so jealous. It's so hot here everything is dying.

  3. It's really hot here too. We just keep trying to water. Some of it twice a day.

  4. Thank you thank you thank you! But if I needed inspiration before now I need a shot of anti-envy. So beautiful, OneFamily. Our fuschia, which we worried about when we got it because it's so stinking hot around here, continues to thrive. DH has been trimming it every week or so and it's bigger and fuller now than when it first arrived. Other than that, we have 2 out of 6 pots of flowers remaining. I console myself that this was our first year experimenting, and next year we will be wiser about what "full sun" and "partial sun" really means.
