Monday, May 11, 2015

Yard pictures

I had started a post Saturday morning, but didn't get to finish it - the weather was just too nice to be inside on the computer. I tried to finish it yesterday morning but DH got up shortly after I did and then I made some breakfast, got in the shower, and never really sat at my computer again.  So, I scrapped it and will just start over. I hope you all had a nice Mother's Day.  Mine was really just another normal day, as far as days go, I guess. Or, I guess it would have felt like another normal day without all the Mother's Day hype and expectations we are supposed to have. With all that thrown in, I guess you could say the day kind of sucked.....a son who won't be a part of my life and my daughter spent more time with her boyfriends mom then she did me yesterday and DH spent the day complaining about everything under the sun.

I tried the ice cream maker attachment yesterday. One word: YUM!
This is about halfway through the process. I probably could have done it a little bit longer to get it thicker, but it was still really good, soft ice cream. I purchased a couple of air tight small freezer containers and they were the perfect size to put the ice cream into and keep it fresh in the freezer.

My yard and flowers are starting to bloom nicely. Here's a peek at some of them
The barrels and baskets are starting to fill out and I am so excited to see the clematis vines growing on the arbor trellis! They are growing really fast, but from what I read it doesn't sound like I'll probably get flowers this year. The plants are expending all their energy trying to get their roots in place.

Another angle of the front arbor with my cute wind chime I got at Ross for $8

This is our old falling apart bench that I have tried to turn into a planter. I'm hoping the flowers will spread out and then I won't be able to see the coco liner as much

A rhody in bloom - complete with dogs butt!

The raspberry and blueberry plants we planted last year (and still no nothing about) are really growing this year. Maybe we'll even get some berries this year.

The back arbor with hanging baskets

 And here is the base of the arbor, where my little seeds of sweet pea flowers are springing up!

The red rose bush is getting close to blooming now

It's a cloudy over cast day today and some rain the rest of the week. I don't mind. Gives me a break from watering everything and keeps the lawn green.


  1. Beautiful! I wish I had a green thumb and nice enough climate to actually get out there and do. It is very hot and humid where I live. I love the arbor and sweet pea flowers are gorgeous. Nice work!

  2. Very pretty! You have a knack with flowers.

  3. It all looks so beautiful! I can't remember where you live .... but clearly more south than us because we haven't been able to plant anything yet. In fact, we have a frost advisory for tonight!

    1. Out West - fairly mild temps most of the year :)
