Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Weekend update

What an unexpected weekend I had! I knew my half-sister was vacationing here in the states but Saturday morning got an email from her that they would be driving through during the week and would like to stop for a visit. I wasn't keeping my hopes up too I wouldn't be disappointed. Then Sunday she messaged me that they would be in town on Monday afternoon. We all had dinner together and I took work off yesterday to spend the day together.

We had breakfast and then drove into the city for some sightseeing. DD had a morning test and when she got done she drove to the city (it's about halfway between our house and her university) so she also got to spend the day with us. The weather was great and we had a great time until later afternoon and then they started heading home.  I think one of the highlights for me was we stopped to watch this guy for a minute doing caricature drawings and when we passed by again coming out of the stop he said "can I do a drawing for the sisters?" It was neat to me that he knew we were sisters. Never having grown up with any siblings, it was kind of a nice feeling to have a sister :)

I had Friday off too and the first 3 days were just hanging out with DD and not doing much of anything. She and her boyfriend asked me to go to breakfast with them and his mom on Monday morning, so I thought that sounded like fun. As we are driving there DD mentions that there will probably be other people at this breakfast. Her BF goes to some breakfast meeting every Monday morning for some community organization he belongs to. Oh......ok.....we get there and it's a group of about 10. BF and his family are very involved in local community and politics so it was kind of mix of a community project group with some local politicians.  SO NOT MY THING AT ALL!! The only good part was at least they were all conservatives, haha! Here I thought we were just going to have a nice breakfast the 4 of us. Oh well.

On the way to the breakfast we stopped at her BF's house to ride to the restaurant with them. I'm always curious to see other people's houses. I like to see how they decorate and stuff. I've always been very self conscious to have people come to my house. With it being a manufactured house and nothing fancy at all, I've always felt very "less than" everybody else. BF and his parents live in a 2 story house in a nice housing development (just mid-range, nothing fancy or high dollar) and I must say I left there feeling really good about our place! Our yard is always immaculate (now, haha) and while my home is certainly nothing fancy, it's clean and tidy inside. BF's house was in terrible need of a lawn mowing, not much of any landscaping, the porch was cluttered with stuff and the inside was pretty dang messy and cluttered!  I felt good on Monday that I really had to do very little to ready my house for my guests that afternoon.There was no mad dash to clean house, because I have been keeping it clean all along :)  Yay me!  (only took me 40 years, LOL)


  1. Sounds like a lovely time with your sister and DD - so glad you were able to make it happen. I'm still working on the housekeeping thing. It would be so much simpler if DH either lived elsewhere or was not such a clutter magnet.

    1. it was a very nice visit. Luckily my DH is only a packrat out in the garage, LOL

  2. A small clean house looks and feels way better than a huge untidy house. Being a good housekeeper means a lot more than having a messy home.

    I know I have never met you, but I know you take great pride in your home, so I wouldn't expect anything else. Keeping on top of things, makes more sense anyways.

    1. I agree. I'd rather have a small neat humble home than a huge big mess :) I didn't always take pride in my home. When the kids were small I always felt so overwhelmed by trying to take care of it all and I did a terrible job. But over the past 6 years or so I have really worked hard to change my habits and it sure does make it easier to keep clean when you keep on top of it.
