Wednesday, May 13, 2015


I had to get up and ready a little earlier this morning to go to a dentist appointment for a cleaning. Finally - no problems and I don't have to go back for anything until my next cleaning. They were almost a half hour late after my appointment time to take me back. Grrr.... Plus a few minutes before they called me back a lady walked in and sat in the chair next to me.  She REEKED of cigarette smoke and I could barely breathe. YUCK! I always try to schedule doctor/dentist/chiropractor appointments on the days I work from home. Makes it much easier to be flexible and all 3 are less than 2 miles from my house, so at least I don't have traffic to deal with. I just got an email that DH's doctor is retiring in August. That's a bummer.

I do have to get into work by 9 am tomorrow (I usually arrive by 9:30....or whenever traffic allows me to get there) for another meeting/training on our new sales expense report tracking system. I'm not familiar with traffic at that time of morning, but I know it's much worse, so I'll probably just leave the house at 7:30 to make sure to arrive in plenty of time before 9. I think this is the last of our meetings and then we can start the roll-out to the sales people. It should make tracking their business expenses easier for them (and me!). My boss and I did realize during our phone/webinar meeting last week that our trainer was really in India.  She does really well, but there were just a few odd quirks that kept coming out during the meeting that my boss and I would look at each other and roll our eyes. It was the typical scene where they are basically reading from a manual, but when you ask a question it totally throws them off.  We had lots of questions, of course, and each time she would say "oh....ya, that's a really good question" (while she was probably searching for the answer. LOL.)

We are getting really close to our mid-year bonus goal and should hit it by the end of this month or beginning of June. Most likely they will pay us the bonus as soon as we hit the goal and not make us wait until the end of June. I still wish it was like it was back in 2007 and 2008. Our bonus was 20% of our salary (now it's 10%) and it was paid out monthly (if we hit our goals, which we did). At the time, I was getting checks for almost an extra $1000 per month. It was awesome, but I never let myself count on that or make it part of my monthly budget, so when bonus's ended with the economy crash, I wasn't hurting because of it.

Nothing much to look forward to this coming weekend. Weather will be blah and no plans for anything. Naps will probably be on my agenda, then. DD will be home the long Memorial weekend and again the following weekend (to get as much moved home as she can) and then it's final's week and she's home for the summer on June 10th.  If she still doesn't have room to get the rest of her stuff back home, her boyfriend will go up and bring it home in his truck.

DH went outside a little while ago to mow the yard. I got up to get something out of the kitchen and looked out the window and no dh and no mowing was done. But, I know I had heard the mower! I looked out the front and found him mowing over at good neighbors yard! Good neighbor's dad just passed away last Friday, so he's bummed and I'm sure he doesn't feel like doing mowing, so that was nice of DH to do it for him and he'll be happy when he gets home from work.


  1. that was nice of your dh.....fingers crossed he does yours as well though!

    1. He did :) though he's a bit wiped out. While it wouldn't affect a healthy person, all the steering and having to unload the bags numerous times (and extra times since he did neighbors too) wears out his arm muscles.

  2. I am always fascinated by riding lawn mowers, but ours will (eventually) be a tiny little front yard, so I am lobbying hard for fake grass instead. Very nice of DH to do that for your good neighbor.

    1. I was just thinking earlier that I don't think I have ever even ridden it! Once I think, for about 2 laps around the yard, haha. He just puts along and finds it relaxing. I can certainly remember growing up and we had one of those little push mowers with the blades (no engine!). Good thing we had a tiny yard.

  3. What a sweet man to do that, it is nice to hear good things about our other halfves they happen so seldom :)
