Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I've mentioned before I have a side job (well, 2 actually).  I've been doing this one about 2 1/2 years now. I don't even get to see the company owners as they are in another state, about a 2 1/2 hours drive from us. We just communicate via email and phone calls. It's a satellite office that the company I work for used to own, but we sold it off and the new owners wanted me to do their books remotely. It has worked great for both parties.

I always bill them the first of the month for the hours I worked the prior month. Usually around 24 hours. I was already down to the wire this month with my money and then with our unexpected furnace repair I'm going to be in the negative before the end of the month.

I emailed the company owner and asked if I could have a favor....could I bill him now for the hours I have put in this month so far and cut myself a check (I'm their bookkeeper, so I have checks too) as our furnace had stopped working and I had an unexpected bill come up.  He emailed back and asked how much the furnace was. I emailed back and explained luckily we didn't have to replace the whole furnace, just a bill for $183.

He emailed back that he is sending me a check overnight for $300 and it is not coming out of my regular invoice to them nor do I have to pay it back! He just wanted to do this for me, for one less thing to worry about! I almost started crying! That is so amazing of him and I totally was not expecting that at all! I just wanted to bill him for what I had worked so far.  I sent him back a HUGE thank you email. 

I am so blessed to work for 2 great companies. I was sick yesterday (sore throat and headache) for my regular job and this morning my boss emailed me to ask how I was feeling and if I had planned to come in to work today, to just work from home instead.


  1. That's fantastic! It definitely makes a difference to work for a place you like, where you are also liked. Those small things they do indeed may mean the world to an employee. So congrats, and kudos to them!

  2. he's one in a million. You are very lucky, but then I'm guessing you're a great employee as well and they know it.....


  3. It is generous gestures such as these that make all the difference in one's outlook! How nice that your furnace repair bill has been covered :)

  4. That's a wonderful boss. You don't find many people like that these days. It says a lot about them but also about the impression you've made on your employers.

  5. There truly are good people in the world!! Like Gill said - I'm sure you are an exceptional employee, as well! These days, exceptional employees are hard to find!! So they want to make sure they keep you! What a wonderful gift. Maybe some day you'll be able to pay it forward - in just some small way. So glad to hear your good news - you are deserving! :-)

  6. What a great story. I'm so happy for you that you get to work for someone who clearly appreciates & values you & the work that you do. That's awesome!!

  7. I hope you feel better soon and that is great news about the bonus!!! Awesome.

  8. How wonderful! Nice things for nice people...

  9. Sounds like two great employers! Glad you were able to get cash for your furnace!

  10. Thanks all! I just got the check via UPS. I still can't stop smiling :)

  11. See Karna what goes around comes around. You are obviously a very good employee.

  12. It's wonderful when you have an amazing boss -- in your case, two. I have no desire to ever, every leave my current job because my employer is just wonderful, understanding and accommodating.

    Glad to hear that the furnace money is one less thing on your mind!

    1. Abigail, we must have been posting about each other about the same time! I was just putting up a new post where I linked to your post about Inbox Dollars!
