Wednesday, October 31, 2012

back on the medication merry-go-round

Today is payday - thank goodness!  Bills are paid and some money is back in savings.

This morning I went with DH to his doctor's appointment. The doctor wanted to see how he's doing the past couple of weeks,  now that he's off the Lyrica and back with his other med he's taken for pain the past year.  He has been much better off the Lyrica, that's for sure, though the 2 days of putting in DD's floor took it's toll and he's been feeling like crap the past 3 days. Once he gets back to "normal" (probably 2-3 days of more rest) the dr. wants him to start trying another fibromyalgia med - Savella.  I'd already looked up some pricing on the medicine when the dr. mentioned it at last visit. It's as pricey as Lyrica, so you can imagine how relieved I was to see the doctor walk back into the exam room with a starter pack of samples! This medicine has to be gradually increased over 2 weeks, so this is a packet already made up for that. Plus he gave me a co-pay assistance card that will save $30 on each of the next 3 prescriptions (if he ends up staying on this med). Every little bit helps but getting this 2 week trial pack is awesome - gives me a little more breathing room in my budget for this pay period.  We are keeping our fingers crossed again that this one will help.

DH has been drinking one of those weight loss shakes for lunch every day the past 3 weeks. So far he has lost 10.5 pounds and is down to 206 pounds. His goal is 190, but I know he will just be happy to see his weight get below 200 for the first time in years.

Puppy has another vet appointment this afternoon - more shots. I'm kind of relieved I won't be out another $100 right now, since I signed up for that wellness plan at the last visit - just $35 on the 12th for the monthly amount and DS is going to be paying me back for it.

Can you believe it's November tomorrow? Since I don't have to think about DD's upcoming birthday present (the new floor was her present) I actually was able to focus my brain towards thinking about Christmas presents! I was looking online for some fleece fabric with a tennis theme, so I could make her a tie blanket for Christmas. I found some for about $7 for a yard, plus I'd need to spend about the same for the back side in a plain fleece. But then I saw on Amazon a large sized blanket already pre-made (sewn, not the tie kind) for only about $6 more. I think I will just order that with my amazon gift cards I have saved up from Swagbucks. She will love it! It's still really cold around here in the spring while they are sitting around waiting for their match to start - the girls are always wrapped up in blankets trying to keep warm.


  1. we are so fortunate to have health plans over here, so we don't pay a penny for prescription medications.

    Love Swagbucks, going to cash in another $25 worth of points this week. Going to get some more Christmas gifts with it.


  2. Hope the new Rx work for the hubby. I feel for him, suffering from (undiagnosed) back/butt/leg pain myself for 8 years. Losing weight can only help his back - maybe once he loses he will want to start exercising? It's definitely helped my pain level. I do take Cymbalta, also. I want to try to get off of it to see how I feel without taking it. It's close to $500 for a 90-day supply! :-(

  3. That was nice of the dr to provide a starter pack. As you said, every bit helps! And very nice that you found the Amazon version of the blanket. Less work = more time to work on other stuff!

  4. Hope your husband's new prescription kicks in! I need to start accumulating Amazon cards like I did last year - it really helped out. :-)
