Monday, October 22, 2012

Ready to freeze!

As I begin my quest to start a food and supplies stockpile a nice unexpected surprise has come our way! My mom has decided to get new appliances and offered us her old refrigerator, if we could use it out in our garage.  I'd really like a freezer, but even this would be great to have! It's a side by side and I think one whole side is freezer section, if I recall.

But first we have to FIND room in our garage. It is packed to the ceiling! And not in a messy hoarders way. No....DH is a bit OCD remember? It is organized down to the labeled bolt trays in the bolt bin (he went a bit nuts when we gave him a labeler one year for Christmas!). He has everything so organized and packed in the garage/shop, shelving units, etc, that I really didn't think there would be room at all. But, I should have known, if anyone could find a way to make it fit, DH could.

So, we will be getting a 2nd refrigerator/freezer later this week. It will be so nice to have some more freezer space, especially when meat or poultry goes on sale. I have always wanted to buy an extra turkey to freeze and have a few months later. Now I will be able to! If meat goes on a good sale, I can stock up. I'm not sure I'll use the refrigerator side much, but I probably need to have some things in there so that it will work efficiently as possible, right? Guess I can put extra pop and water in there.


  1. Extra drinks are always nice because of how well they stack; not to mention they help regulate the temp a lot better. That's great that she's giving you that. Hope the fridge section is relatively big!

  2. I inherited my parents old freezer about 12 years ago, and love having the extra space. We have a very small side by side in our kitchen, and if that was my only freezer, I would be in trouble.

  3. that's a good thing to have. I love our chest freezer.


  4. Just don't lose track of what you have - and be sure to date everything - otherwise you may end up tossing things that are forgotten and outdated. When we headed out to AZ for the winter last year, we emptied and turned off our refrigerator/freezer. I had to throw so much from the freezer out - things I forgot I even had in there. It was a sin. I swore I was not going to over-buy this year, but just what I knew we would use. Otherwise it's wasteful. So far so good! Anything left before we leave this year, I can at least give away to family or a neighbor (and know it's still good! ha!).

  5. That's a good tip, Susie Q. I've never had extra freezer space, so I am a bit nervous about forgetting what's out there. I think I'll also make a list to put on the fridge door

  6. That's nice! You'll love having extra fridge and freezer space!
