Thursday, March 29, 2012


I'm not a big fan of doctor's right now.  First, I spoke with someone at the University Hospital almost 2 weeks ago about Dh's appointment and was told either May 14 or possibly April 21st (she had to check and see if the doctor was going to a conference or not) and she would get back to me. The neurologist only sees patients on Mondays. So I wait almost a week and call her back to find out which day and what time the appointment is. I had to leave a message - twice - and no return call.  Yesterday I get a call from someone else wanting to set up his appointment, as they had processed his referral.  June 11 is the first opening. I asked what happened to the May 14 appointment that was supposed to be made by the first person I had talked to.  Apparently she never booked the date (or checked with the doctor to see if the earlier date was open) so now we wait another month longer.  Now I remember why I hated going up there so much.  It always seems such a big waste of time for no results.

Then, my mom had been considering finding a new physician for my grandma. She's been seeing the same guy for over 20 years. I think he's an ok doctor, but it is ALWAYS an hours wait in the waiting room and then more in the exam room.  I used to see a different doctor in the same clinic and it was always a long wait, no matter what - even if you were the first appointment in the morning. Plus the office is old and dingy.  The walls are thin and you can hear what's going on in the next room.  I finally found a new doctor a few years ago, where I have never waited more than 10 minutes, the office is new and comfortable.  Try having a 93 year old have to sit for over an hour waiting for a doctor - no fun.  It was hard enough just getting her ready to take to the doctor.  Then my mom found out grandma's doctor will be leaving this clinic.  I have been recommending the doctor office where I go - they have several MD's to choose from and the one Dh has been seeing seems pretty good and very nice.  My mom took Grandma in yesterday to see this Doctor my Dh has been seeing for her first visit. He gets into the room and hasn't even taken one look at her history or anything sent by the old doctor office or what meds she is on, etc.  He was even having trouble looking up her med list on his computer when my mom started to pull it out of her purse, he found it.  He listens to her heart, says she has an irregular beat, which may be causing her extra fatigue.  Then tells them that he thinks she should just stay with her previous doctor - he has all her records and knows her history and that it would just take him too long to learn her history, etc! Seriously?  Why would they even book an almost 94 year old patient if they had no intention of taking her on as a patient? Obviously a 94 year old is going to have a lot of health issues and history! I am so mad right now.

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