Sunday, December 4, 2011

Dh and shopping

It's always scary taking Dh (ie "the spender") to a store! Fortunately for me he really does not like to go to stores and deal with the crowds, stand in line and the walking involved is quite draining on his muscles. But, he's been feeling a little "trapped" as of late - just being home all day, everyday. He mentioned last week that he'd like to get Dd an Emergency Kit for her little truck. When Dd and I were shopping yesterday she saw some of those kits and stopped to look and said she'd really like one - and then she mentioned it again later during the day. I told Dh when I got home, so he decided he wanted to go together to buy it.

So, what started out as a quick trip to Walmart last night for one $33 Emergency Road Kit turned into a $117 trip! He picked out quite a few things for her truck, including a nice set of Mag flashlights (he thought the one in the kit was too plastic and cheap) and then he decided to get Ds one of the flashlight kits, too and also a steering wheel cover.

Between what I already had got her and these items she has quite a few gifts already and I've only spent $100 on her (thanks to my spiffy new spreadsheet that tracks totals!) and I've spent $85 on Ds so far. So, I should easily be able to stay at my $150 (maybe $200) budget for each of them.

And Dh got a little trip out of the house and a little retail therapy. He also got to feel like he has picked out a lot of their Christmas gifts, which he usually hasn't contributed one idea to in most of the past years.

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