Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Back to real life

I'm having a hard time getting back in the groove of "real life"!  We had a very nice Christmas this year.  We open our gifts on Christmas eve, so I made a turkey dinner for early afternoon and we invited our neighbor over to eat with us. He's a single guy, about our age, with no family around.  It was a nice meal and good conversation.  Later in the evening, we opened our gifts to each other.  Dh passed out the gifts (we open one at a time) and even took pictures while we were opening.  Everyone seemed happy with their gifts and we had a nice relaxing evening.  Ds's girlfriend came over late and we exchanged our gifts with her. She's just a little bundle of Christmas spirit, so always fun to have her around :-) Christmas day we went over to my Mom's for dinner.  We have a small family, so it was just us, my mom, grandma and uncle.  My mom gave me a Nook Color! Woohoo! I am loving it so much already.  Ds helped me figure out how to borrow books from our library to dowload to the Nook - very cool!  I had enough MyPoints for a $10 card, so I ordered a $10 Barnes and Noble gift card.  I'm hoping I get some more gift cards to B&N for my birthday next month.  It's so tempting to buy books now, but now that I'm hooked up with the library, I think I'll manage to resist the temptation and as long as I can get an occasional gift card to B&N, I should be good.

Dd and I hit up all the stores yesterday to check out Christmas clearance sales.  One store was down to 75% off already, so we got some gift bags.  At Joann's I got a container of 40 Wilton cookie cutters for half off at $10, and at Kohls I bought a holiday door mat for $4. I'm kind of waiting for Target and Walmart to go down to 75% off and see if I can get some more silver and blue ornaments.  I'm also looking for a blue/silver tree skirt.  I found one online at Sears that is now half off at $17, but I'm going to hold off a few days and see if it comes down some more in price.  I also used my Macy's gift card I got from Dh and bought a nice sweater.

I only have 3 days of work this week and then another 4 day weekend.  My boss told me to just work from home these next 3 days, as she won't be in the office all week (along with about half our staff) so it's very nice I don't have to make the hour drive each way that I would have had to do today and Thursday.

Next up - goals for 2012!

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