Saturday, December 3, 2011

Busy Saturday

Lots of receipts sitting in front of me from today's shopping trip, but the total isn't as bad as I thought it might be. $125.11 got me the following:

4 xmas gifts
huge 16lb bag of cat food (this will last months) - along with wanting to adopt a kitty at Petsmart:-) (we used willpower to walk away!)
Misc. grocery items (pop, toilet paper, coffee, bagels, chips)
$4.03 lunch at McD's for me and Dd.
Thermal curtains for Dd's bedroom window - (she is at the cold end of the house, so maybe this will help keep some of the heat in her room)
Dh's prescription ($15 copay)
Free John Frieda haircolor (with coupon, I just paid tax)

I also got back a $10 Target gift card for future use and a $5 Petsmart coupon to use on future purchase of Purina.

My order of flea treatment for our cat arrived already. I always purchase "kit" of the Frontline flea treatment. $24 (including shipping) for 8 doses compared to PetSmart's 3 dose pack for $58! It's easy to use, just measure out an eyedropper from the vial and put on back of cat's neck.

I've realized one thing from my tracking spending - I need to add about $50 a month for misc home repairs/maintenance type stuff to my budget, as something always comes up. I've also revised my spreadsheet to not only total what I've spent each day but also give me a running total on each category - then I won't have to spend time at the end of the month trying to add them all up. Much easier!

Dd got some her her xmas shopping done - she is pretty creative with her gifts for her 3 best friends. She is having personalized necklaces made for 2 of them by a local lady who makes jewelry. We stopped at a cute little crafter's boutique and she got a cute little handmade sign for one of them. The 3rd friend is getting a "movie night" basket of 2 movies, candy, and hot chocolate that she is putting together. She also found a very adorable hand-knitted hat that she bought for herself.

Now we are going to spend the rest of the day decorating the inside of the house and putting our tree up.


  1. At first I thought the 16lb of cat food was a Christmas gift... LOL!! Tracking what you spend definitely held keep you on track...I like the idea of eye ping a running total, I'll have to do that too! Saves time in the long run!

  2. LOL - no it was just a day of miscellaneous shopping, including Christmas gifts :-) I had received a $5 PetSmart Purina coupon when I bought dog food a couple of weeks ago, so I used this $5 and a $1 manuf. coupon yesterday on the cat food and got another $5 Purina coupon.
