Saturday, September 24, 2022

Short and sweet

Friday I kept really busy all day with work getting caught up on bank statement reconciliations. Before I knew it the day was done. Dh didn't do too much yesterday. The lawn was still a bit too wet from all the rain on Thursday all day, to mow, so he will do that today. He did decide it's time to replace our flags on the flag pole, as they are getting worn from wind and weather. I just ordered them from the same place we got the flag pole and first US flag. 

This morning I'm going to strip the guest bed and wash the linens today. I need to throw out the flowers from the bouquet I bought last Saturday. They are done, LOL. I need to organize kitty's food and get it poured into a plastic container I bought, that came in the mail yesterday. My plans this afternoon are for a nap!

DD and I didn't chat much this week. I was busy thru Wednesday with our friend and she was busy back at the office Tues-Fri and she was tired by the end of the week. She said she got home from work yesterday afternoon and crashed on the couch. I told her it will probably take her a couple of weeks to adjust to the new early morning schedule and being back at the office. 

Still nothing going on at the lots next door. The guy is probably too busy figuring out who in the area died this past week and snagging up their properties, LOL. I'm sure he'll be back at some point soon.


  1. I imagine the trip when he fiddled with his machinery was just a ploy to keep everyone worried. I doubt if he does anything toward his plans. Did he clear any trees? He would probably like to keep you worried about his plans to deforest the place.

  2. Anne Brew: that’s just what I’m thinking Practical Parsimony. It’s all gestures to getting you all riled up. D’you know? I wouldn’t be surprised if “something came up” and he decided not to build anything after all.
    Volatile people lead volatile lives.

  3. Linda and Anne - that's exactly what my dh thinks the guy is doing. Just came out to make us all wonder. DH really thinks he'll end up buying a different piece of property and selling these ones. I'm not so convinced, but am hoping. He only pushed down a few small trees. He would be violating the covenants to remove more than necessary for building.
