Saturday, September 17, 2022

Have some Lucky Charms

Have you seen this new report from the White House's new Nutrition advisor?!  I'm just looking at it shaking my head. Lucky Charms and Almond M&M's are healthier than an egg or ground beef. Frosted Mini Wheats are 3rd in the healthy stuff. OMG! 

Good lord. All I can say is do your own research into sugars and processed foods and how they affect your body. I recommend reading "Genius Foods" by Max Lugavere. While I am by no means a super healthy eater, even I know this chart is ridiculous and I know I shouldn't be eating sugars and processed food as much as I do. Watermelon better than chicken? In what world? Watermelon is mostly water and sugars, with a little fiber. A serving of chicken is 31 grams of protein and 80% of the calories in chicken breast are from the proteins vs fat.

Excuse me while I go fry my whole egg in butter for breakfast, instead of Lucky Charms. Wonder how much the taxpayers spent funding this crap.

The new neighbor guy showed up at 1:30 yesterday afternoon pulling his trailer with his mini excavator on it. He had to use lot 6 and 7's properties to get himself turn around on our street. Because, you know, those no trespassing on property signs only apply to others and his property. He literally excavated for less than 2 hours and then left, after loading up the equipment to take with him. He spent more time loading and unloading the excavator then he did working (which he got pretty much nothing done). Not sure what the point of it all was but he's not back yet this morning.

Today will be a house cleaning day and getting ready for our guest. DH mowed (I originally typo'd "moved" LOL....yikes, haha) on Thursday, but he thinks he's going to do a quick buzz with the riding mower this afternoon, since he won't get a chance to mow again until next Thursday. I'm also going to at least make some peanut butter cookies, maybe might also make a cake. We'll see how ambitious I get. Might just use the ice cream for root beer floats instead of cake.


  1. Do you think neighbour guy was "making a point"? "Hey, I'm here to stay"?

  2. Who ever would group those foods together to investigate? Are those the favorite foods of a researcher who decided to see how his foods fared? Do you have a link for this info? I just need to find the purpose of this study and methods. If our country's health guidance is in the hands of this person/agency, I want to see who this is.I think I will eat some egg with cheddar cheese this morning.

    Does the guy have a permit? I think this was an "in your face" attempt to rile the neighbors. Excavating? Clearing? A foundation pad? That kind of equipment will cause damage to property. I would put a stop to this.

    That would be news if your husband moved!

    1. I will find the link to the food thing and post it. There are not permits required here, other than a county septic permit and a state electrical permit. It's his property - he can excavate, clear whatever to his hearts content. (though the covenants do say to leave as many trees as possible). This is the type of equipment needed to get the property ready for building.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This chart you show is based on an algorithm used to show nutrients in foods. As such, your processed foods would have more, as those are added through fortification. From what I understand, this chart is NOT meant to be used as, say, the food pyramid, as a guide to daily eating. It was a chart to profile the nutrients in foods based on a variety of factors used in the algorithm. The compass has been around for about a year now, I think. I can't find the initial article I read in one of my journal subscriptions, but here is a fairly decent one: But, no, you should not look at the sample of a section of the compass you posted and say, "Hey, yeah, I'll eat those." It is not meant to be a daily guide of nutrition. Also, this article explains it a bit better:

    1. Ack, cat stepped on my keyboard before I finished. Also, (IIRC) the profile was comparing like categories together, as in boxed cereals to boxed cereals, snack foods to snack foods, fresh fruits to fresh fruits etc. So, by looking at the portion of the compass you have, of course a serving of Lucky Charms with supermarket milk will have more nutrients than a serving of browned, ground beef. That said, there were indeed issues with the algorithm used to design this compass, and Tufts, in their report, fully explained those when they published it.

  5. I agree with Meg. Please note a
    That a boiled egg without the butter or a poached egg is much higher and ground meat in general is not as heathy as other meat and goes through more human handling. Hamburger probably causes more food poisoning than almost anything else. The things st the top are mainly natural foods and or whole grain. I mean whe grain cereal, even slighy frosted is a healthy food. I am surprised that eggs and whole wheat breads are not higher.
