Friday, September 23, 2022

Guest visit wrap up

Last Saturday morning I ran into town to get a few grocery items and was driving past the small Saturday market and saw a table with flower bouquets, so on my way back I pulled over and bought a pretty arrangement in a cute jar and put it in the guest bedroom.

Tuesday we did the drive through the bison and wildlife range. This time we got to see a lot of bison. Even one walking down the road right past us, haha! I was like "oh please don't scratch my car with your horns!" haha. We saw lots of deer, antelope and a herd of elk. No bears this time, but dang, everyone else was seeing them! The lady at the visitor center said they were being spotted daily recently and she said one guy said he got stuck in the bathroom at the top of the drive for 45 minutes the other day because when he went to come out a bear was outside. We just missed them, I guess. A mom and a cub. It was nice to sit and ride in the car for it, since we were all worn out from the hike the day before. We were laughing because at the restaurant the day before, friend asked for sweet tea for her drink and they didn't have it. That is not a common drink up north, haha. Later that evening dh was texting our friend who did our mason/stone work on the house. He is from South Carolina and loves his sweet tea, too. Dh said where do you get a good glass of sweet tea around here? haha. After seeing the bison we stopped at a little cafe he told us about and friend said it was good sweet tea. I had a glass, too. It was good. But honestly, I didn't see the difference from it vs ordering an ice tea and dumping some sugar in it, LOL. 

DH and I were kind of hesitant to do this touristy thing again, since we just did it a few weeks ago, but glad we did. Plus with the hazy smokey skies cleared you could see wonderful views of the surrounding mountains during the drive. Friend took lots of pictures and she kept the parking pass you hang on your rear view mirror to put in her travel scrapbook. When we went a few weeks ago we went in friends pickup. We were in our car this time and going back down the drive is really steep. DH got to try out the "trail mode" in the car and was really impressed with it. He didn't have to use the brakes one time. When we did the drive several years ago in my previous car you have the brakes on the whole way down pretty much and the brakes were getting hot.

Friend was leaving Wednesday and we needed to have her to the airport about 5:15pm. We left our house about 2pm. When we were in the city Monday she noticed a sign for Famous Dave's restaurant and said that was her and her dh's favorite restaurant to eat at when they would travel to an area in their state. So, we went and had a late lunch/early dinner there before taking her to the airport. It was really good. We will probably go there again some time.

We got back home about 5:45 and were both pretty tired. At least I didn't need to make dinner. I was in bed before 9pm haha. Friend only had 25 minutes to make her connecting flight but the flight was on time and her gates were in the same area so she had no problems and now is back home. She's from Missouri - about 2 hours from St. Louis. She pronounces "Saint" so funny to us! She pronounces it "Sant" (like sand, but with a "t") Does everyone from that area say it like that?! LOL.

I'm tired. 5 days of busy-ness, 4 nights of being up late....and no naps! LOL. I think I should have taken at least Thursday off work to recoup, but I didn't. I didn't want to do that to my boss on such short notice, since she has to cover for some of my work when I am gone. 

We have no idea what the guy with the lots next to us is doing. He showed up last Friday, piddled around an hour or so with his excavator, loaded it up and left and hasn't been back since. Very strange. I mean all the clearing he will need to do, to cut in a driveway onto his property and clear for a building site and well, etc, is going to take a bit of time with the size of equipment he has. Why come out one day and not come back? I said to dh, maybe he hasn't needed to use this mini excavator for awhile and something wasn't working right on it so he loaded it up and is now getting it fixed....hard to say. But at least it's been quiet around here.

I sent for some window blind samples of wooden blinds and I'm glad I did. The colors look different in person than on the computer and I ended up picking out a sample I probably wouldn't have online. The colors go good with my wood trim. They are 30% off and still not cheap, but with neighbors eventually on that side and never knowing when they will be at the property now, we need something with more privacy than the cafe curtains. I wouldn't have to do my front window in the bathroom, but I'd want both windows to match. That front window is the bigger one, too. 

Kitty finally got to go outside again this morning. With the bear and the coyote spottings the week before and then with friend here, he hasn't been let out. I don't like letting him out and then us leaving for the day and leaving him outside all day while we are gone. So, we just didn't let him go out.


  1. Do they even have iced tea where you live? Making sweet tea in the South involves putting sugar in the hot tea so the sugar dissolves rather than settling in the bottom of the glass. I don't drink sugar in my iced tea. I also don't drink hot tea.
    That is funny your not wanting a bison to scratch your car. Bison and bear--sounds dangerous.
    If I had company, they would have to know I had a nap planned and to just take a nap or be quiet! No nap, late nights, and strenuous activity would make me sleep on my feet.

    1. Most restaurants have iced tea, with no sweetener in it and you add your own to taste. Hopefully we are done with guests for awhile, LOL. Other than dd/sil, we aren't expecting any until the end of next May.

    2. My usual drink while eating out is strawberry lemonade. Sometimes I have huckleberry lemonade, as huckleberries are the "thing" up here and it is good.

  2. You & your husband make good hosts.
    The guest room flowers are very pretty. Love the color combination.
    Hopefully you can rest up this weekend. :)

    1. We try - I'm just glad our guests quota for the year has probably been met ;)
