Wednesday, September 14, 2022

More neighborhood excitement

Had some excitement in the neighborhood yesterday - and no, it wasn't from the guy who bought the lots next to us, LOL. It was this guy visiting our neighbors house yesterday afternoon. He was loving her garden and strawberry plants.

Our neighbor said he tried to scare it off by shooting a 22 (not at the bear, just in the air to scare him) but it didn't faze him one bit. Our UPS guy showed up later and dh was telling him and he said he's seen 3 bears on his drive recently and showed dh pictures. There is also been seen a bear right in town. This is unusual for here, they don't usually come down from the mountains much and to have this many being seen is also very unusual. Someone said the berries up in the mountains are scarce so they are coming down to look for food.
Kitty was already indoors and he is staying inside while the sightings are still going on. 

I had my quarterly phone chat with mom's investment guy. He seems a bit optimistic that the market is going to start going up. He also said signs are pointing that we will start seeing the inflation go back down in about 6 months. He said this is from a combination of the supply chain getting back towards normal levels and the interest rates being increased by the fed. While this year's stock market has gone down, he said in the past 3 months mom's has at least rebounded over 8%.  Mom has about 25 to 30% of her investments just sitting there in cash, not really doing anything at all. He said with the recent stock market crash a few days ago he anticipates the feds increasing the interest rate another 3/4% next week. He wants to wait until that happens and then transfer about half that cash into a good interest earning CD.

DD and her dh have just put an offer on 5 acres of land near where they live. The land has been on the market about 4 months and their realtor had them offer a bit less than asking and also contingent on a "feasability study and well inspection". The well is shared with another property owner. I'm so excited for them and hope it all works out. It's a beautiful wooded 5 acres and would give them the privacy they want and enough room to build an house and a shop. They should hear back today if their offer was accepted.


  1. I was wondering about bears in your neighborhood! If they want your chickens, they can get in their pen! That would scare me. Did you take kitty to door and show him the bear and give kitty a good talk?
    I just read about a rail strike affecting availability of goods. Will that have any effect? Goods on the dock is not goods available.

    1. These were pictures our neighbor sent us from his window. He said when the bear left he went in the opposite direction of our house so we never spotted him on our property, though we were keeping an eye out and listening for the other neighbors dogs on the other side of us to bark and/or the chickens to start squawking. Investment guy didn't mention that...I think it's all just guessing anyway, LOL.

    2. When I went back to look at the bear on the patio, I realized it wasn't your patio. The railroad strike news was only on the news this morning. I hope they settle whatever is the problem soon. We don't need more supply issues.

  2. Oh my goodness!! Maybe he heard about your mom's investments and wanted to explain a bear market once he made it to you :P

  3. Spring and fall seem to be when the bears are around. There was one a mile from us a couple weeks ago. Do you have electric fencing around your chicken coop? We don’t, but it’s recommended, and I keep thinking we should do it. Several years ago we found a bear paw print on our garage door, but I’ve never actually seen one here. I’m sure they come around. Missoula had a bear getting into people’s houses recently that had to be euthanized. We now have grizzlies in our area. Now those scare me! I don’t worry too much about black bears.


    1. We have never seen this many bears down here. Someone will spot the occasional bear, but it's even rare. We don't have electric fencing at the coop. DH mentioned maybe we should.

  4. My sister has bears in her back yard (suburbs of Connecticut) almost every day. This morning it was a mother bear and her two cubs. She has two new Golden Retriever puppies who have to learn that they can't go near the bears.

    We met with our financial advisors last week. I like what your mother's guy said better than what ours said..

    1. I always enjoy watching people's video you come across where they have a bear and/or cubs playing in their yard or pool, LOL. I'm hoping mom's optimistic financial manager is right and it's going to head back up in the profit direction.

  5. Oh how lovely for your daughter and her husband. I hope the sale goes through! As for the bear - yikes!
