Saturday, July 9, 2022

Today's laugh

I had a busy morning, going into the city to visit mom and make a few shopping stops. I tried to call her on my way, but she had gone off to do an activity and was still gone from her apartment when I got there. Which was just fine with me! It gave me a few minutes to get her camera down from on top of the kitchen cabinet and get new batteries put in it.

And guess what I finally found? The missing purse! And then I notice her digital clock/calendar is laying face down again, as well as a picture she has of her, me and dd. And then I notice her telephone!

Because doesn't everyone keep their purse under the kitchen sink and their telephone on the floor under the desk?!! LOL

But hey, at least she still has her keys and her tv is still working - knock on wood!


  1. I hope you showed her where they were and not stolen. I had not realized her telephone was missing! Did new batteries fix the camera? If she ever sees you getting the camera down, even if she thinks it works her meds, she would try to get it down or fret about it.

    1. I did show her, but it really doesn't do much good at this point. She never thinks she is the one the put the items there. I didn't know about the telephone either, since I haven't had a camera view a few days. I'm sure she must have just done that this morning or later yesterday, as we talked earlier Friday. I'm hoping if she ever sees me getting that camera down/up she'll just forget about it 5 minutes later.

  2. She was just hiding them. Do you find stuff that doesn't belong in her fridge?

    1. I haven't yet, but on the camera, a few times I have seen her repeatedly opening all the kitchen cabinets and drawers and opening the fridge and freezer (with nothing ever in the freezer).
