Friday, July 29, 2022

Hot days

It's like a hot oven to go outside. I waited until almost 8pm last night to go out and water my flowers, but it was still 94. It doesn't appear we will get any relief from it until Tuesday. DD and her dh recently had a/c installed in their house and it's been pretty hot where they live, too. She said last evening one of their neighbors came over to ask her dh for help with something and when he stepped inside their house he was like "hey! how is it so cool in here?!" LOL. He said it was 89 inside on their 2nd floor. The a/c went out at my physical office, so they had to let whoever wanted to work from home, but it finally got fixed yesterday. The HVAC company had to wait for the parts to come in overnight.

Thank goodness for a/c in the house is all I can say. DH would be absolutely miserable and complaining non stop if we didn't (lived that for years). He's not been feeling well the past several weeks. Says he feels like he did before he had his pancreatitis last August. Not sure what he can do - other than try a major diet change and he's not willing to do that. I don't think anything is ever going to convince him to give up 4 Mountain Dews a day. If he has to get hospitalized for it again, they basically just flush out with fluids (and give pain meds) until the inflammation goes down. I told him I have no idea, but maybe he just needs to fast for a day or two and just take in lots of water and see if that helps the inflammation and his symptoms. I have been mentioning this a couple of weeks now, as well as suggesting maybe a trip to the doctor to see what they say or tests they can run to see if it's starting to act up again.

I guess at least this time, if he does end up in the hospital again, it won't be 10's of thousand of dollars. It will be $4000 max, now that I have him on my work health insurance plan. And I already have almost $1000 of that saved up in my HSA account, plus I've already spent $350 towards his out of pocket max.

Friday cat picture. He says he didn't do it....



  1. I don't know anyone with AC here (although some people are now putting it in just one room), so we've been suffering with as high as 96° and no AC! I usually get by with 2-3 cold showers a day! As for your husband, I do hope he feels better soon. I don't know if you know of him or even if it might help, but Dr. Eric Berg on Youtube is an absolute mine of information!

    1. where dd lives most don't have a/c as they only get like one really hot week a summer, LOL. Our summer temps here are are typically 85-100 every day, so it's really nice to have. Plus it's on a heat pump so cheap to operate for us.

  2. Oh DH! 4 Mountain Dews a day :/ especially as he felt so horrible last year, wish he would try to cut that down. Kitty is innocent!

    1. just the amount of sugar from those sodas is awful :(

  3. ( Anne Bee 🐝 )
    Your cat is very sweet!
    I’m sorry to hear your DH is not feeling so well. It’s a worry. I hope he can get a checkup soon to find out how he is.
    We had a hot 2 days here recently - 41°C ( 104°F ) - nobody has AC as our weather is usually mild.
    Over forty buildings caught fire.

    1. that's hot! it's supposed to be 101F Sunday and Monday here (99-100 the other days). That's awful about all those buildings!

  4. Anne Bee 🐝 - I’ve just checked - 41.3°C was the maximum temp reached in the UK 10 days ago - which is 106.3°F

  5. Start packing his bag, talking about going to hospital and discussing what you need to do at home. Maybe it will be real!

    I drink about an inch of Mt Dew every six months. I love it, but figure more might just kill It is delicious. I had my inch yesterday. I do have other things I won't give up.

    You know someone did it, but kitty looks innocent, too cute to be guilty.

    Do you think he might try to give it up for one day and then only have another the next day. Maybe if he thinks it is temporary and he can resume, he might be willing to try.

    1. Today he is making the attempt to "fast" and just drinks tons of water. We'll see how it goes, but I'm sure by later today he'll be having sugar and caffeine withdrawals.

  6. I grew up living in the South and we didn't get a/c until I was 16.

    1. I've never had a/c in a house until we built this house.

    2. And then it was only a window unit in the kitchen for my mom.

    3. that was probably smart to have a window unit in the kitchen for mom ;)

  7. We lived in south Mississippi and never had ac. When we moved to Memphis, we had a window unit, whole house ac. I think I was about 16 when we got that. The house I lived in for 42 years only had a window unit.

  8. We bought 2 window AC this year, after not having air conditioning for the 23 years we’ve lived in this house. Last year was horrible, and I told Dh I wasn’t doing it again. He suggested we get central air, but I told him we didn’t need to cool this entire house. The one we got for the main floor keeps the livingroom very cool, and makes the rest of the rooms tolerable. We just got a small one for upstairs because we only use one bedroom. I got my first electric bill and my usage was actually substantially less than a year ago. I have the one upstairs set on 64 because I like cold when I’m sleeping. The one in the livingroom is set between 68-70. We decided we were going to be as comfortable as we wanted, no matter what it costs lol. So far it’s not costing much.


    1. I never found our window units to add much to our cost. Same with having this whole house a/c.It's basically on for 3 months and my electric bills are $120/mo in summer.

    2. My electric bill this month is $80, and that includes the fee for our flat rate security light we have on a pole in our front yard. I was shocked. I think my kwh used was alike 460. Last year same period was 525 I believe. We didn’t put off buying ac because of the cost. We just never felt like we needed it for a week a year. Last year did me in. Too hot all summer. I don’t like being hot lol.


  9. First not to scare your husband or maybe do scare him but I went to school with a girl who's husband passed away from pancreatitis 2 days after his granddaughter was born. He was only in his 50's. Not old at all. Never had air conditioning till I was in my 20's and my sister and I paid for one in the bedroom we shared. We got one in this house that we have lived in over 30 years ago. My husband would never go without.

  10. I realize you have probably said everything to have him stop but men seem to think they don't get sick.

    1. Yes, I have said everything. He a man........enough said. :(
