Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Good or bad day? Still up in the air

It's morning, but I'm already anticipating this not being a very good day. First off it's payroll processing day, so I have that to deal with. Secondly, I have a feeling this is going to be a bad/weird day for my mom. She's at breakfast now, so I'm kind of waiting to see and give her a call when she gets back.

She called me yesterday afternoon that she had a bit of a toothache. But then she couldn't tell me if it was her tooth or maybe her gum irritated. She did this once before a year or so ago. It was later afternoon and too late to call the dentist office, so I told her I'll have to call in the morning. Well by morning she was completely fine and has never mentioned a toothache since. I was then trying not to overreact about it yesterday and decided to wait and see this morning. Well, I could see all evening on the camera she was pretty restless. She'd sit down in her recliner, get up 10 minutes later for 5 or 10 minutes, back to her recliner, repeat pretty much all evening. She fell asleep in her recliner around bedtime and was sleeping there. I left the motion detection on when I went to bed at 9:30. The rest of the night is her up and down all night, every hour or so. A lot of looking at her clock. She never did put her nightgown on and it appears she slept in her chair. Then she was up at 4:30 and didn't ever go back to sleep. A couple of times she stayed in her chair for what appears to be about 20 minutes or so (due to no motion detection after it shows she sat down). She went downstairs at 6:45 am....breakfast starts at 8. Still wearing yesterdays clothes.

So she apparently stayed downstairs that whole time until breakfast started and she just came back up to her apartment, with breakfast being over. She's been back almost 15 minutes and last clip shows she was heading to her bathroom, but I don't show her back out yet, even in live view. I want to wait to call when she's done. No motion detected, but now she has shut her bedroom door almost all the way. Not something she usually does during the day, so I'm guessing either she's been showering (hey, one can hope!) or taking a nap on her bed (she's gotta be tired).

So, I went downstairs and got my shower in. What does mom do (from the motion clips)? She was back in her bedroom/bathroom for 40 minutes. She comes out wearing shorts and a new top - grabs her keys out of the bowl on her little dining table and off she goes again! LOL. I'm hoping that 40 minutes with the bedroom door shut was because she took a shower.

The propane delivery driver called yesterday to ask if was ok to stop in and fill up for our summer fill. The rate was $2.05 per gallon. Somewhere I have last summer's receipt to see how much and what we paid per gallon, but that was before I got organized and created a "Propane" file folder. It just has in it our winter prepaid contract from last fall. I did look on my old credit card statement from last summer and I paid like $530 to the propane company for the summer fill, but that doesn't tell me how many gallons we used or the price. Our winter contact for next winter came in the mail the other day at a rate of $2.30 per gallon - 18% increase from last winters price. 

I started watching season 14 of Heartland. I kind of forgot about that show, so it appears I have 2 seasons to catch up on. That show sure has been on for a lot of years. It's wholesome and enjoyable to watch.


  1. Our propane contract came last week. I have contracted 1,000 gallons to be delivered between Sept 1 and March 31, 2022 at $2.07 a gallon. We also had to pay 20% down. Last year our contracted price was $1.54 a gallon. We never need summer fill because the propane that is delivered each March lasts us until the following Sept. I wonder why your mom was so restless last night? I suppose you'll never know.

  2. I meant to write March 31, 2023. That seems like a long ways away but time is going by pretty fast.

    1. Is your winter contract price the same as your summer fill price? Our summer fill is currently .25/gallon cheaper, so for us it would make more sense to do the largest fill up in summer at their summer price. $2.07/gallon is good for your winter price compared to ours at $2.30

  3. That is all so different from what she usually does. Maybe it is not a toothache. Does she usually go out in shorts? And, she got her key? Maybe she took a 40 minute nap and was ready to go. I hope she is not going into the up-all-night mode.

    1. She does not usually wear shorts at all anymore. I know she has some in all her clothes, as when she used to golf she of course wore them. She looks very summery today, LOL. I'd say she either took a nap or a shower, since she shut the door to her bedroom, which I only see her do when she goes to bed at night. The up all night mode would be awful! The caregiver was just telling me that one of the residents had to move over to the Assisted living/memory care place next door because she was up and wondering the halls outside her apartment at night now.

  4. That's a good question. I have never asked what the summer fill-up price is. I need to do that next year!

  5. Hopefully she’s been going regularly to her DDS every 6 months. Still really important at that age. If not I’d make an appointment now for a good checkup. ( better to do now because there may become a time where her memory loss gets too bad and it would be too traumatic).

  6. I hope this isn't an indication of a new stage for your mother. Wandering is not something my MIL ever did; quite the opposite, she became stiller and stiller. But my SIL's MIL did, at all hours of the day and night and it was very upsetting as she was still living at home with her elderly husband.
