Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Last day off

Now that I've been up at at it this morning, my voice is mostly back. I've only talked to the cat so far, LOL. Of course mom couldn't remember this and kept calling me....sigh....I'm not sure what is going on with her caregiver. No one showed up to make sure she got her meds last night. Don't work the holiday? Ok, no problem, but that would have been nice to know a bit ahead of time. She's usually been coming around 6:15pm give or take, a few times just before 6:30. Well, at 6:30 mom's dispenser is chiming to notify it's time. I'm watching on camera and of course she picks up the phone, thinking it's ringing and tries to call me (she had been in her bedroom when it started chiming). I let it go to voicemail and hoped Liz would show up soon or mom would figure it out the next chiming in 5 minutes. She did not. Then just as the 3rd one was about to start I decided to call and get it taken care of, voice or no voice, and mom again picked up the phone, but then she noticed the dispenser flashing and took the pills. And she thinks she doesn't need the help.

While I was watching all this on the camera I heard the announcement over their loud speaker system that the dining room was opening back up starting in the morning. So, I check in on her via the camera this morning. She's not dressed or ready to go downstairs. She does still have some milk and cereal and I saw her get herself a bowl of cereal and sit at her table to eat. Liz nor her assistant ever came to make sure she got downstairs for breakfast, that I can tell. I supposed one of them could have popped in for a couple seconds and mom told them she was having her cereal, as I didn't have the camera on every minute, but I really don't think they did. A bit frustrating, to say the least. Those are the 2 main things I wanted done for mom - her evening pills and to make sure she gets down for breakfast.

We only heard some fireworks, off in the distance, right as it got dark last night and only for about 10 minutes, which was nice and short. One less thing for dh to complain about. He never seems to have a shortage of things to find to complain about, that's for sure. I'm also surprised the rapid fire gun shooter was quiet all weekend. We heard it some while dd was here those last 2 days, but just a few quick bursts and then he was done. 

My trip to the office next week (Wed) seems to be coming up fast. I feel like I need to get "prepared" but for what I don't know LOL. Just pack some clothes and go, haha. I plan to go get groceries and see mom this coming Saturday. I'll need to figure out some stuff to leave dh to eat, since he won't cook for himself. I think next Tuesday I'll make enchiladas for dinner and he can have the leftovers Wed night for dinner. The next couple of nights he can heat up spaghettio's or eat a sandwich or something. I'll be home Saturday around 6:30, so we can grab McD's or something near the airport on the way home.

Last night I finished season 2 of Stranger Things and then I went to bed, so I don't think I'll finish up the show by today, which is fine. It'll give me something to watch in the evenings the rest of this week. Since I also have today off as a holiday, I should get some time to watch another episode or two. I really don't have much to do today, so I just plan to relax and take it easy. I have some chicken breasts thawing and plan to make a chicken, rice and vegetable casserole dish for dinner. Should give us leftovers for tomorrow too.


  1. Well that's frustrating. I wonder what's up with Liz & help. Geez
    We are almost caught up with Yellowstone. I don't know anything about Stranger Things. I'm going to check it out.
    Enjoy your day:)

    1. Stranger Things is kind of a sci-fi/little bit horror, mostly centered around 4 jr high kids, set in the 1980's.

  2. Hi. Didn’t you hear Liz tell your mom that she would be back Wednesday? Maybe I’m misremembering….

    1. That was her assistant saying that one evening later last week, saying she was off and would see my mom Tuesday. But the other evenings since that night, it has been Liz showing up.

  3. You're a better wife than I! When I travel & husband is home, he's on his own! Figure it out, I tell him! Of course there are groceries in the house. But if you croak, he'll be in his own, right! At least that's my take! 😂 Teach them now so they're prepared!

    1. If I croak he'll end up living on sandwiches the rest of his life. He has no interest in learning to make anything and I'll make sure there is food to make soup and sandwiches, but he won't bother with anything else or bother to learn.

  4. I just asked Tommy if I croaked would he cook anything in a cooking bag. He said, "probably not." I will bet he sees a cooking bag and decides to use it. The only thing he has mentioned he cooked before I came here is making a package of hamburger meat into hamburgers and eating from those for a few days. Okay, I just asked and he says he has put burgers or chicken or a small piece of ham in a pan and put under the broiler. He also said he has microwaved a hamburger. GAH! This cooking in a cooking bag must be high living for him.

    I wonder why no one is showing up for your mother. I am glad she figured out the medicine was ringing for her meds. Is that something new, her figuring it out eventually?

    1. Well, Tommy has my dh beat, haha. Mom will once in awhile figure out how to take her meds, but not too often. Not enough that she could ever do it on her own regularly.
