Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Sad moment

Well, dang. I went out to the chicken coop yesterday morning to give them their daily bread treat and one of my chickens was dead in one of the nest boxes :(  No clue why. Ugh. Well, I guess glad it didn't happen while dd was taking care of them, she would have freaked out. My half sister said her rooster just keeled over dead the other day for no known reason. She's had chickens for years, says it just happens sometimes. Sad and I wasn't expecting that. It's not like she had been sick or anything, that I was aware of. 

Blogger is still being really annoying with it always seems to be "logged out". Every time I want to reply to a comment I have to go through hoops to get re-signed in so I can reply as me. Same for anytime I want to comment on someone else's blog. So, for those I frequently comment on - sorry if I seem to be MIA - it's just been frustrating to have to go through the hoops to try to comment. I was hoping whatever the glitch was, Blogger would have fixed it by now. 

Our friend, who's dh is in the hospital with his major procedure - wow - just crazy how she has to stay on top of practically everything. No one seems to know what the other dept is doing! It's scary, really. Just like when my dh was in the hospital - he'd have an awful nurse one shift and then a really good one the next. With friend's issue so dire, it's almost like his wife needs to be there 24/7 just to make sure everything is being done right and they don't screw up! There was one thing she wrote about yesterday that could have had pretty major effect/repercussions on the whole reason he is in the hospital in the first place, if she hadn't caught it.

As a money saver, it occasionally pays off that I have the "Honey" app installed on my browser. It will sometimes pop up a cheaper place to purchase something. It will also on occasion offer rewards $ back from purchases. Well, dh wanted another dehumidifier. I was going to purchase the same one we bought from Home Depot 3 years ago, but that model is no longer being made. They have a different model now. I did some searching and found Walmart was actually cheapest and Honey also offered $20 is cash back rewards/points. So, I saved $25 buying it from Walmart (including my 5% cash back on my Walmart credit card) and will get another $20 back to cash in with Honey. Nice deal. The app also always looks for any coupons for purchases. 

I found a new show to watch. Season 5 of Outlander on Starz. I totally forgot (since it's pretty much been the only show I watched on Starz) I still have a Starz subscription until late August, so now I can get caught up with the latest season of Outlander.

And in some good news, we are getting a bonus at the work meeting on Wednesday. As usual, my boss says she can't surprise me, like everyone else will be, because she needs my help entering the checks and even if she did it all by herself, I'd still see that the entries got made, haha. Not huge checks, but decent, considering. I can honestly say I was not expecting for them to pay any bonus out mid year.

I'm all checked in for my flight tomorrow morning. I'll only have my tablet with me, so most likely I will not post again until I get back.


  1. Sorry about your chicken. I have had chickens for 22 years now, and it’s always a little sad when one dies, especially when it’s one of my favorites. I haven’t lost any in quite awhile now. I can usually spot the subtle signs a couple days ahead, but sometimes one surprises me. 3 of mine are quite old, but so far doing great and still laying eggs.
    I can’t sign in on blogger. Well, it shows I’m signed in, but won’t let me post any way but anonymous.
    Enjoy your work trip.

    1. Hopefully my 3 remaining chickens are ok.

    2. I’m sure they are. When I have had one die I have never had another one get sick from it.


    3. I only had one die at a time. Actually, only two chickens dies. Of course, that does not count the ones attacked by raccoons or hawks. The body count for those is higher.

  2. Sorry about your chicken, I hope she went peacefully. Safe travels, hopefully it is a smooth trip

    1. Should be a good trip. The flight is about an hour and 20 minutes and my office isn't too far from the airport. I'm excited to see my co-workers and meet all the new ones. I told my boss we'll need name tags, LOL.

    2. LOL name tags for sure!

  3. My favorite hen died in the house with much thrashing and squawking. It was frightening and shocking. I was screaming as I saw her just lay on her back with wings out and slowly bringing them down like angel wings. Tommy had to hurry and get her out because I was screaming so. It was truly tragic. We had her in a cage trying to tend to her, so not loose in the house.

    I had others die and I was just sad. But, Fancy was my favorite and loved me. Well, she was personable and knew I had food...lol.

    Blogger is getting weird. Still it sometimes just won't let me post a comment.

    That is nice you are getting an unexpected raise. How can you keep up with your mother? Can you see the cameras while you are gone?

    1. It's sad when they die :( Yes, I have the Blink app on my phone and tablet and can see the cameras anytime.

  4. I'm sorry about the chicken. Congratulations on the bonus. Won't ever happen in my world. Getting a deal is my bonus.

  5. Have you given any thought to Avian Flu? It's quite prevalent I understand, and it's supposed to be the reason for high egg prices.

  6. Maybe the chicken was just done!
    Have a safe work trip:)

  7. Congratulations on your (unexpected) bonus. Always nice to get a pleasant surprise right? And as for your friend whose husband is stick, wow, surely it's not up to her to keep on top of his treatment!!!! How awful!
