Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Tuesday good and bad

Yesterday was a day of kudos and thanks to myself and my boss. Our IRS audit is finally over and the final figure was very minimal. The company owners are thrilled and several emails thanking my boss and I for doing such a good job and a nice thank you message from my boss, directly to me about it. She took on most of the worry and stress, but we got through it. In part because I keep all emails and was able to go back to 2017 and 2018 and prove we had resolved our vendor 1099 issues. 

DH cleaned out the gutters from tree needles yesterday. He tried a new way - he used his shop vac, haha. It has a really long hose and he was able to stand on the ladder with the hose and suck most of them up. He was also able to reach more with the hose, so he didn't need to get down and move the ladder as often. Plus, he then didn't have to clean it all up off the ground around. He says today he is going to work on cleaning the windows outside. It's not supposed to rain today, which should help. 

There was a bird down on the back patio this morning chirping repeatedly like he's upset. I could hear him and looked out the window and see him wandering around down there. He's like "hey!! where's the birdbath??!". Sorry guy, we had to put it away for the winter. 

A friend of mine (since jr. high school) on Facebook felt the backlash of being a conservative yesterday. She doesn't usually post anything political, though I do on occasion see her comment on conservative pages (probably because we follow the same ones). She shared a video from years ago. Nothing you can argue about over it. Nothing even really very political, as far as opinions go. A few friends commented to the effect, yes times have changed. But a few others were rude. One saying she can't believe friend would support Trump, especially in her line of work So, now we have to be Democrat to work in a certain field? Friend asked if she is not allowed to have her own opinions now?  She also stood up for herself in a second reply, with complete respect. A few others, including myself also stood up for her. My reply was that the video she shared had nothing to do with Covid or Trump, whatsoever. It was to show how times have changed. It's a sad day when  friends feels the right to judge and insinuate you have a bad character, just because you believe in conservative values and policies.

Has anyone made their own vanilla extract before? My bottles of vodka and vanilla beans are still in the works. When I read online how to do it, I read several blogs or articles on it. Several said just to use cheap vodka, it didn't need to be expensive stuff. Well, a friend of mine who is crafty, just shared a pic on Facebook of when she made some a couple years ago and she was going to make some again, but she learned after the first time to use good vodka. I'm standing there in the kitchen looking at my cute bottles and thinking oh great.....is this not going to turn out good now? 😟 I will be bummed if this doesn't turn out well, since I wanted to use these as neighbor/friend Christmas gifts.

Two more sleeps and my dd will be here!


  1. I've seen more of the snide and downright rude comments on FB re Brexit (for obvious reasons). It got really nasty for a while, particularly since most of the 1 million expat Brits living in the EU did NOT get to vote - otherwise the result would have been different. My family voted to leave the EU and we just had to agree to differ. Recently however they have had an issue with a home they own that will either cost them a lot of money to bring "up to code" or prevent them from selling it. My BIL made the comment that it wasn't fair because "they changed the rules after we bought the place". I couldn't help myself and commented that that was how I felt about Brexit. I made the decision to live in an EU country and then somebody moved the goalposts after the game had started. I think he got my point and we're still ok because I'm not going to lose my good relationship with my family because of it, but I have seen some horrible stuff being aimed at others because of their opinions!

    1. People just need to learn some respect. I have friends and relatives on the other side of politics than me. A couple of them are very vocal (on Facebook) about their feelings. I don't ever comment on someone's post, that's on their own dang wall, to disagree or argue with them. My cousin is a complete lefty. Mostly I find it hilarious that one of her son's and his wife are the complete opposite and her DIL posts as much conservative stuff as she posts liberal - yet they don't let that interfere with their being a family, as it should be.

  2. My facebook friends never argue about politics. They are all or the same page or just respect each other. I like it that way.

  3. Regarding the vanilla - I use a good quality brandy when I make it and the vanilla is decadent (according to a friend who received some for Christmas a couple of years ago) and she bought some of the same brandy and has kept adding it to the vanilla beans and still getting great vanilla. I used about 7 beans per bottle and I split each of the beans before putting into the bottle and adding the brandy. I still think your vanilla will be good - just not as deep of flavor and may need to sit a bit longer. Keep in a dark place and shake the bottle slightly every couple of weeks. I've used rum and vodka also but love the brandy for yummy results that last. Ranee (MN)

    1. oooh brandy sounds like it would make it really good. I have been shaking it (since August) but not keeping in a dark place, so I will move it to my pantry for storage. Thanks for the help and ideas.

  4. I do feel like conservative comment on FB draw ire and liberal comments are status quo. That's the same for all media though. My mother in law is always posting liberal stuff. Because of that, I unfollowed her on FB. I think if people post political stuff, they should assume that about half of their friends unfollow them.

    1. I usually unfollow friends on both sides if all's they do is post political stuff. My friend I told about doesn't post anything political and even the video she shared wasn't really very political at all but a few of her friends sure tried to make it so. I had to unfollow my DD's MIL - she is nuts, LOL.
