Thursday, October 15, 2020

Free stuff

It's payday. I always like to get everything paid and checked off my budget, haha. Now that all the big payments to contractors (ie fence, etc) are done, I'm gradually having more money left over now, so that is a good thing. Still doing some smaller expenses, (like 2 maple trees for $230) but winding down on those, too.

I'm 99% sure we won't be getting any bonus's this year, which is a huge bummer. Though, the owners and 3 managers just got their yearly bonus's...........I guess their bonus isn't tied to company sales performance, LOL. 

I created the 2 shipping labels for the 2 big boxes dh wants to ship to DS. Luckily they still had a promo code so I got 30% off what I was expecting to pay/budgeted for, so a $50 savings. 

I got a free turkey today! My friend in town, who gets the free food to distribute every so often, texted that she would have free frozen turkeys to give away between 10am and noon, so I made sure to get there earlier rather than later. There were a few cars in the bus loading zone when I pulled up, so I got out and there was my friend handing out all the stuff she had, LOL. Besides turkeys she had some frozen 1# ground beef rolls, so I took 3 of those. And my neighbor was there at the same time, haha. He was dropping stuff off at the school, so friend was telling him, take a turkey! He was happy, too. As we are leaving he says "see ya at home!" LOL. I also dropped off our ballots at the courthouse. Then I stopped at the grocery store - in need of bananas and tartar sauce. The grocery store is right across the street from the courthouse so I just left my car at the courthouse and walked to the grocery store. I had bought some frozen fish fillets, but forgot I don't have any tartar sauce to go with. Then I stopped at the lumber store to see if they had any bags of potting soil left. We have a couple of maple trees coming to plant and are out of potting soil. Thankfully they still had quite a few bags out front of the store.

I did get an email update from my mom's senior living place that the person (my mom thought it was a kitchen employee) tested for Covid was negative so they are back to "normal". It takes a week for results? The email said if any questions email the General Manager, who was cc'd. Hmm...that is not the same name as the person I knew to be the general manager. I wonder if they have a new one, now. Before the gen. mgr was this guy and his wife was the asst. gen mgr. Her mom is a resident and the mgr and his wife actually live not too far from me. I wanted to verify if my dd and her dh are ok to visit mom in her apartment, since they are from out of state. I know when I go visit, every time I have to check in via an app and one of the questions is if you have been out of state in past 14 days. I emailed the gen. mgr to ask and she sent me a pdf of the policy - which I cannot figure out how to open! It says it's a "Onedrive for business file" and when I try to open it it takes me to a Microsoft screen to log in. I tried both my outlook emails (each from work). It says my email is not on the directory for her apartment company. Then I tried to register my email that she used to reply to my email, but that didn't work either. Good grief. Just a simple question I need answered. I emailed her back that I'm sorry, I have tried everything I could think of to open her document, but no luck. It's probably something stupidly easy, but why not just a pdf that opens right up, like every other one, LOL.

I'm reading the newest Walt Longmire book out. Those are always an enjoyable read. I miss the tv show.

Feels like a productive day. Bills paid, turkey picked up, ballots dropped off, mail dropped off, quick store run. Back to work now.


  1. So, you still don't know if they can visit? That is great you got chicken and ground beef.

    1. No, I still don't know. The gen. mgr has not replied back to my email where I said I could not open her document attached.

  2. I really missed turkey this year for Canadian thanksgiving - luckily, my friend gave me some of hers (it was smoked, yummy!) I hope DD and your DSIL can visit even if just for a bit. I have stopped visiting my Great Aunt just out of caution, she lives at home but I am out too much between work, the grocery etc.

    1. My half sis is Canadian and I always forget they have Thanksgiving in October. Seems like a better time to have it - more time until Christmas, LOL. If nothing else my mom can still leave her apartment, so if they aren't allowed in, then we'll just have her come out and at least go sit in a restaurant where we can visit or something.

    2. I am glad you'll be able to visit!! Honestly, it is nice to have it earlier - we can get to Christmas, and it is still warm - ish, haha!
