Thursday, October 1, 2020

Thursday funnies

DD takes her wedding ring off a lot, when she's working in the yard, etc. So, the other day after work, she had mowed the lawn and had taken it off and then went to the store. She was at the deli counter and said there was this lady in front of her trying to figure out what she wanted to get. DD said she was chatty, in a kooky way, LOL. After dd got her deli stuff, she went over to the bakery to get something and the lady was there, too. DD said she joked with her "I guess we have the same tastes, today". The lady chatted some more and then asks dd if she's single as she's looking at her ringless finger. DD says oh, no, I'm married, I just forgot to put my ring back on after working in the yard today. The lady laughs and says oh darn. You would have been perfect for my son. LOL.  I told her if she had been single I would have tried to set her up 2-3 years ago with our friends in town, son. haha. 

My mom received forwarded mail (from her original home) that she was called for jury duty...........ok, you can laugh now, too, like I did. 😄 I told her I'd get a hold of the jury dept and tell them she has moved out of the area. I called and got a recording and put in her badge # on the letter and oops, it then said "you are now scheduled for jury duty". But then the recording gave an email to contact to I sent that in and they replied back that she has been removed. I did learn something I didn't know, though. I thought that to be called for jury duty you had to be a registered voter, but apparently that is not the case. They will also pull people off driver's license records and apparently her thrown away driver's license hasn't expired yet. They gave me the email for that dept and I emailed to find out how to cancel her driver's license, but I don't have her driver's lic# as she threw it away. They emailed back with a short form to fill out.

Our neighbor down at the end of the street, who is trying to build a pole building garage is having the same headaches getting anyone to do the work. First he was waiting on the excavating guy and finally gave up and rented the equipment and did it himself. Then when he was trying to get a bid on the materials package, he of course went first to our local lumber store in town. They said sure, send us an email. So he did and they never replied back with a bid and he was like, I'm not going to beg them to take my money (we have said that a hundred times!). So, he got the lumber from the city lumber supply place. Then he called the concrete company that is in the city to schedule them to come out and pour the slab. The guy says "we are like 2 weeks out". Neighbor says that is fine. Can I get on the schedule then and you can tell me which day? and the guy says no, you can call us in 2 weeks and we can tell you then if we can get out there at all or not. So neighbor called another town's concrete place and they came out yesterday.

And last but not least, the building supply place called and our garage door and replacement panel are in and they will be out tomorrow to do the install. The handyman guy is coming later this morning to help dh insulate the shed "attic". He's the same guy that helped dh build part of the shed (install the roof trusses and roofing). I'd say this guy is in his mid 30's or so. He's going to meet dh at the lumber store at 10am, to rent the insulation spray machine they have and he'll haul it in the back of his pickup, I guess. He tells dh "call me at 9:45 to make sure I'm up". OMG. you are a grown ass adult, how about you get yourself up on time? But, that probably explains why he doesn't have a full time job somewhere, doesn't it?

Speaking of contractors, next post I will tell about the fence guy and dh's video....remember how he was acting about it when he did the fence install 6 weeks ago......

I don't think we will be doing any more projects for awhile involving needing to purchase wood/lumber. Apparently lumber prices have skyrocketed 70%! A sheet of plywood is now $50. DH said it's because of the forest fires.....I'm like oh, you mean the forests they won't let anyone cut down/thin is now the cause of lumber prices going up? I would have hated to be trying to build right now, that's for sure. What a huge increase in the cost of building a house that would be.

My oldest dog is 13 years old today. This was him the day we picked him out at the shelter.

Now he's a white faced old man, but thankfully he's still doing well and gets around really good.


  1. Happy Birthday to your doggy! It is a cute story about your DD. I knew some old ladies like that. Thankfully, I managed to steer clear of them :)

    1. I told dd that'll teach her for not remembering to put her ring back on, haha.

  2. I would not want to hire someone who needed me to wake him. Your area sounds like a good place for someone to start a business! I called a roofer who was 3 months out. Every time I called for 17 months, he was three weeks out! Pretty puppy!

    1. it's very slim pickings to hire any help around here the town itself only has about 600 people (including kids) and the whole county only about 4000. Fortunately the guy was up and ready an was already on his way to the lumber store when dh called him.

  3. It is frustrating when you want to do business with local companies,, even are willing to ait, but when you get blown off, hard to have sympathy if 3-4 months later, they are hurting for business. Similar for restaurants that don't have a large staff capacity, but will refuse to seat people when they have open tables. Just let people know, we will probably be an hour for food, but you're welocm e to sit and have a cocktail-no they turn away people perfectlyw illing to wait!

    1. or hard to have sympathy when people keep saying "support local".

  4. Happy birthday to your sweet little boy.. I've raised 14 dogs in 20 years and they are still cute at 13 as they were at 3 just a little more white around the edges and yes! Lumber has been skyrocketing for the last few months. I wanted hubby to build me some shelves and such but I told him we'll just wait on that. As for contractors, it's nothing new. These guys all say they want the work but then when the work comes they don't show up..I don't know why that is but it's been like that for a long time...and it's usually "local guys" who do that the same local businesses who don't want you using big box stores which are highly overpriced but when they don't show what other choice is there? Just amazes me...

    1. that's a lot of dogs! We've only had 4 dogs in 35 years.

  5. Gosh your neighbour sounds about right saying nobody seems to want his money!! I'll never understand that mentality because a good tradesman could make a fortune just by showing up. And your pup was beautiful wasn't he!
