Friday, October 9, 2020

TGIF as always

The other day I was texting with a friend (who is also my side job boss). A comment she made, made me think and remember I have had this thought before. We were actually texting about business. Lots of new changes/additions for them, business and financial wise, so even more for her to keep track of. She is in her early 60's, yet they seem to want to take on more. Her comment was while she doesn't have to worry about making rent or where her next meal is going to come from, she now has other stresses and worries in keeping up with this money stuff. She used to be able to garden and have a simpler life. Now her free time is spent keeping up with making money. She said now she hopes she doesn't have a heart attack or stroke because she is always stressed out now. 11 years ago, when her husband took on this business, I don't think she worked. Then she started working for the business part time and then eventually full time.

That is something I always have realized I didn't want in my life. During our younger years DH would say he wants to be rich and I say it's exhausting for those people to have to keep up with being rich! The more things they do to try to make money and keep it coming in, the more and more they have to do. I've seen it with our company owners and a few friends. Eventually, the act of keeping it all up and keeping that money coming in takes over. I don't have (and never have had) the energy for that and I know it. I'm content with getting by, so that I can enjoy my free time to do things I enjoy and have some down time in my days.

The email letter from my mom's senior living apartment asked for either a phone number or text to keep the residents (and family updated). I just emailed the lady and told her my mom's cell# doesn't do texting, but they can use my # and I'll make sure to update her. That way I know exactly what is going on too, rather than trying to rely on my mom's memory to tell me. 

I'm going to go see her tomorrow and pick up groceries at Walmart when I am done. Well, hopefully I will see her. I haven't heard anything that the employee tested positive yet, but I would think they would know by tomorrow. The letter to residents and family went out on Wednesday and I wouldn't think it would take more than a few days to get results? Last time they didn't follow up with an email to family that it was negative. I had talked to my mom one day and she said they were back to doing activities and dining. I'm guessing no news might be good news, then.

and it's supposed to be pouring rain tomorrow, while all week it's been really nice and in the 70's. I swear every time I need to drive to the city it's a rainy day. Maybe I'll miss it - it's not supposed to start until about noon and I should be heading home around then.

DD got voted employee of the month! Her boss told her it's like a $700 bonus on her next check. Nice!

I'm putting in some vacation days requests. Oct 22 and 23rd. DD is coming later in the day on the 22nd, but that will give me the day to clean house, take a nap, and then feel like staying up later to visit after they arrive. Then I'm putting in day before Thanksgiving, so we can go get my mom to bring her here for the weekend, or at least for a couple days. Then I usually take off between Christmas and New Years, but I'm waiting to hear back from my boss exactly what days we get off. Usually they give us 3 days at Christmas, but it's not on our company calendar. I'm guessing it's going to be 23, 24th and 25th, and if so I don't need to put in for the 23rd.

Well, I guess I'm not visiting mom tomorrow, unless she just wants to come down and see me outside/in my car. The email letter that went out to residents and family on Wed said they were waiting on the results of a text, if it comes back positive then they were putting the "quarantine/no visiting" in place. I called to find out if they know yet, and they do not, but she said they are not allowing visitors, to be on the safe side. I'm like well, ok, but that's now how your letter explained it! It said "should the test come back positive, we will put the following measures in place effective immediately".  So, I changed my grocery pick up time to an hour earlier, since I won't be spending any time at mom's.


  1. I tend to agree with you about not "needing" to be rich. I find it odd because sometimes I chat with the kids about winning the lottery (a nice daydream) and I told them I wouldn't want to win the big prize in the Euromillions (it can be around €160,000) as that's way too much money. Just a small win would be wonderful and then I'd give the rest away to good causes. There's tons of money in Geneva of course, and I remember the husband of one of my friends commenting that my pension wasn't very big. My thought was well I have enough so why would I stay working longer? I actually kind of feel sorry for people chasing "wealth" as opposed to being happy with enough. That being said, congratulations to your daughter on getting employee of the month. I'm sure she'll genuinely appreciate that extra $700!

    1. Sorry, the Euromillions can get up to €160 MILLIONS and above, not €160,000!
