Sunday, October 18, 2020

Maple trees

We got the 2 Autumn Blaze maple trees planted, in the rain. I'm really happy with what I ordered online. They came quickly and were packaged really well. They look nice and healthy. Advertised as 5-6 ft, they are both a good 6ft (after planting), if not a bit taller (dh is 6').

Some day they are supposed to look like this! In our lifetime? haha.

Supposedly they will grow 3-5 ft a year. Nothing ever seems to grow as fast as they say.  I'm glad I thought ahead to buy some bags of potting soil, as we did use 2 of them. DH had both our fire pits going. He had a pile of brush and a whole lot of scrap wood to burn up and with the drizzly weather it was a good time. At least it didn't feel cold while we were outside, so that helped.

He had also burned some old papers from one of his bins and then I was able to add a small bankers box of old papers (from my side job, haha) to the fire. One less box in my office now. Years ago, before I had 2 monitors I always printed out the papers I had to work off of (reconciling commission payments) but after I started using 2 monitors I now just keep the report on once screen and do my work on the other. I hardly print out anything anymore, thank goodness.

DH used some of the leftover fencing wire and put up around the trees, to see if we can keep the deer from them until they can grow taller. Not pretty, but gotta do it. When the rain stops (doesn't sound like this week either), I'll spray some deer repellent around them. I had gone back in the house, but when I saw him starting that I went out to help as I figured it would be easier trying to handle the roll of wire, etc, and it did help quite a bit having 2 of us. Plus, I was able to pull the wire back for him while he pounded the posts in the ground. Our neighbor came out on her back deck and asked why we were out in the rain, LOL. I said well, it's not stopping, so here we are, haha.

Our backyard is down a fairly steep slope. After going up and down that numerous time yesterday, my hips hurt. I'm surprised it wasn't harder on my knees. They are still a bit achy today, but thankfully I really don't need to do much today.

I did get a short nap in later in the afternoon and finished a book. I remembered I had several free books I've downloaded from Amazon First Reads and had started one of them awhile back. They are ok books, nothing great, but at least something to read while I'm waiting on books I've reserved through the library. Then one of my library books became available, last evening, so I started that one. "A Gentleman in Moscow". I haven't gotten very far, but seems like it will be good. It was on the bestsellers list at one point.

I'm still working on that dang puzzle. Found another 10 pieces or so, while I ate my sandwich. I'm trying to get it done before's taking up half my dining table and I'll need it for eating when DD and her dh come. 

It's supposed to snow today, but so far it's still rain. Some friends in another part of the state got some snow yesterday.

I'm looking forward to a short work week, since I'm taking Thursday and Friday off.


  1. I love maple trees. That picture you posted is amazing. I hope your trees grow quickly. My mom used to use white plastic trays to sort puzzle pieces which made it easier for her. I will post pictures of her framed puzzles one of these days.

    1. We had planted a couple maples in our backyard, but then ended up deciding to move here and never got to see them grow much. That's a good idea about the plastic trays. If I don't finish the puzzle I could at least put the pieces in something to give me table room while dd/sil are here.

  2. I do hope the deer don't eat them! They will be so pretty in the fall. Planting trees in the fall will give them a good start. One day, you can tap them for syrup!

    1. I will be so mad if the deer can get to them. They were $100 each!

  3. We love our maple trees but I think one might be ding-it had a few un ins in storms, and a couple branches broke off. The leaves were sparser than usual this year.

  4. Our neighbors planted 2 of same type of tree last spring. But theirs were bare root, I think, and much smaller than these. She said she thinks they are dying.

  5. I have a maple that is only just now starting to bloom beautifully. I reckon it must be 10 years old - but they are definitely worth the wait!

    1. We're hoping they grow, we sometimes have good luck and sometimes not

  6. Love the autumn blaze maples. My husband loves trees and has planted so many. Right around Easter, Menard gets their first tree shipments here and we have gotten some really tall trees there for under $80. Also, Walmart has trees for around $30 in the spring. As long as its a variety that does well in your climate and soil, they will do well and are a steal for the money. Walmart will also sell trees that don't really fit in your zone so you have to watch it though. Like they will sell Redwood trees here. Those will never make it here. Just my 2 cents on trees :)

    1. That's great to know about Walmart having trees. I used to go to Walmart's garden center for annuals, but haven't living here. I don't recall seeing trees, but I probably just wasn't looking! Two planlts I miss, that don't grow here are azaleas and rhody's.
