Sunday, October 4, 2020

Saturday happenings

It was a nice relaxing Saturday. The weather was perfect, in the mid 70's (though it is pretty chilly first thing in the mornings). DH spent most of the day setting up the new pressure regulator for his air compressor, so he could blow out the sprinkler lines and then once he got that installed he did blow them out, which took awhile, because we have 11 or 12 zones.

I decided to make some chocolate chip cookie bars. I had not made these in eons. More I remember my mom making them often. The recipe said to use a 15x10 jelly roll pan, but I don't have one of those. For some reason I always remember my mom using just a square 8x8 glass dish, but that seemed small, so I used a bigger glass dish. The "cookie" still seems pretty thick, than I remember, but tastes good, so that's all that matters, right? Of course dh said he prefers the cookies.

While dh was outside Mrs Neighbor brought over to share some very delicious treat she made. I'm not sure what it's called but a lemon loaf with fresh blueberries. It's so good! I'm having a slice for breakfast with my coffee this morning. Originally I was planning to make some cinnamon rolls (pilsbury from a can) for breakfast this morning, but since we have, this I decided not to.

We are on hold for building the next loft/shelves for dh's long back shop wall. The lumber prices are just too insane now. They've almost doubled. We'll wait.

I saw a new bird at the bird bath I hadn't seen before, so I looked it up in my handy dandy new bird guide book. Turns out it's a Mountain Chickadee. It's even smaller than the regulars (Red Crossbill) at the bird bath.

DH took his nightly look at the sky on Friday evening and Mars was plainly visible just above the moon and even red color to the naked eye. Though the picture he took didn't show the red, it certainly shows Mars plainly visible.

Ever since we've had our new washing machine (a little over a year) the tray you pull out to pour in the liquid detergent has always been strange. The "flap" part wiggles and sometimes is up and sometimes down. It also leaves a bunch of water in the tray when done washing. Then I remembered DD has the same exact same washer, so I got her on video chat and showed her what ours does and does hers do that? No, her "flap" is solid in there, doesn't move up or down. Well, we figured out, after pulling the whole piece out, that the flap part had come loose from the base tray, where it snaps on. It's been like this since day one. It's still not super solid, like DD's is, but much better and after I washed a load yesterday there was really no water left in the tray. We must just have a defective "flap" LOL.

I continue to work on my 1000 piece puzzle. It's a hard one! I pretty much am only finding a few pieces a day, haha. Part of the problem is our dining room table light isn't very bright. It's really not enough light to see all the pieces well. Eventually, once the bonus room is done, that will be where puzzles can be done.

I think dd is planning a visit in a few weeks. She said she will work a half day on a Thursday (which is 10am for her, LOL) and then drive over and stay until Sunday. I offered to fly her over, if she'd rather, but honestly, by the time she'd have to have her dh drive her to the airport (like an hour and a half in traffic), get there early enough to check in and wait a bit, then the 1 1/2 hr flight and the 35 minutes drive back to our place, she'd almost be here anyway by driving herself.


  1. I have a leakage problem with my washer. I will try to find out what is wrong with it based on what I found online. Mom was a big puzzle fan. I have many that she made for me hanging on my walls.

    1. I have heard of people framing puzzles. My half sister has done that with some of hers. Hope you figure out what was wrong with your washing machine

  2. It is a shame you did not know your dishwasher was faulty out of the box. Is there a fix for it? I was going to buy plywood for the chair bottoms but I suppose I won't now.

    1. it's my washing machine. I think the little "flap" just doesn't sit super tight on the piece of the tray it's supposed to snap on to. It seems to be staying put now. we just have to watch it and now know if it gets loose we can pull the whole tray out and snap it back on.

  3. We thought we were going to need a new washer (the one we have currently is 30 years old!!!) but it must have just been something stuck in the agitator - it's been working fine ever since! I'd contact the manufacturer if I were you - they may be able to help or send some kind of a flap. Mention your DD has the same one & they are different! Worth a try.

    1. that's what I was thinking, too. If it keeps coming loose to contact Maytag. They can probably send a new tray part.

  4. Love the picture! I have a phone app that shows the name of the constellations when you hold it up to the sky. It even shows the space station!

    1. I just learned of that phone app the other day. I'm going to have to check it out, or have dh do it, since he's the one usually up at that time, haha.
