Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Save some, spend some

My auto insurance renews this month. I paid the 6 months in full, savings $36, vs making monthly payments. Plus my Paypal credit card is offering 5% cash back for purchases made with the card between yesterday and the 8th, giving me an extra $19 back. When we were going through our house build and I was having so many expenses out of pocket (or waiting to get reimbursed) I had gone back to paying the premiums monthly, in trying to manage cash flow during that time. The renewal 6 months ago (it's auto renewed and I'm on auto payment) I missed getting it paid in full that first renewal month, so I just kept with the monthly payments, but I remembered this time. Between the $36 and $19 saved, that's equivalent to about $9 a month savings. The health insurance plan I chose for DH last month is $8 a month cheaper and my auto insurance also decreased $5 a month, on top of my prepayment savings. In December is the last of my 24 payments on my cell phone. It's only $5 a month, but add all that up and it's $27 a month savings in my budget. I tried to pay off the cell phone balance in full, but it's a weird deal. It was $15 a month, then they show a $10 a month credit promo (net charge $5/mo) but if I tried to pay it off early I owed $15 x how many monthly left, I'd lose the $10 a month promo credit, so I haven't paid it off. It's no interest, so I'm not out anything, other than it bugs me, haha. Hopefully the phone will last me another couple of years. Next time I need it replaced I'm going to ask my boss as she has mentioned before we have some older model iphones, when our sales people upgrade.

I've never really understood the "why" of Twitter for the average person. I mean I guess I understand it for news, politics, business's, etc, so they can keep people up to date with the latest news and publicity, but for everyone else? Just seems very stupid and narcissistic. I mean WHO CARE's that everyone in the world can know you had an oatmeal cookie for breakfast?! Or why have both Facebook and Twitter...and Instagram. Why not just pick one and use it? Maybe I'm just too old to get it.....(except that the person tweeting about their oatmeal cookie for breakfast is a year older than me, haha).

Last Friday, late afternoon, dd's dog somehow ripped one of his toenails completely out. I guess it was really bloody and like dd says, she's not a good nurse or vet (she gets that from me! ha!). She called their vet and they wouldn't get him in! She called some others and no one would take him. The only vet that said they would take him was some emergency place about 40 minute drive and told them it would be a 5 hour wait. They went over to Petsmart to try to get some bandage supplies themselves. By then it's been almost an hour since this happened and it won't stop bleeding. DD is a wreck. Somehow she ended up talking to her barista friend, who dd didn't realize also works part time at a local vet (one that dd had called), so she called her vet and explained and they said oh, sorry, they misunderstood what type of appt. dd wanted....ok....so, they take him there and a couple people are waiting outside (because the place is doing social distancing so, they will come out and get the pet, I guess.) but they have no pets with them, so dd assumed they were just waiting to pick up their pet. They come right out to take dd's dog and one of the people makes some comment about cutting in line. DD or her dh say something like "well, this is an emergency, it won't stop bleeding". The bitchy lady says "well, I don't see any blood". By then dd (who is usually extremely sweet and polite to everyone) turns to face her and says "my husband and I are both covered in blood!" Her dh wasn't so nice. I guess he told the lady to just shut the hell up. LOL. DD texted me that people have really just lost their hearts.

Well, dh should have just stayed in the house today! He decided to wash his pickup. It starts right up, as always. He pulls it around to the end of the shop to wash and even lets it run awhile and then shuts it off to finish washing. Goes to start it up and it won't start. We tried jump staring it from my car with jumper cables but nope. He's sure it's the batteries (it has 2) as this is what happened 10 years ago while we were on a trip and we had to have them replaced. Luckily the parts store in town has the 2 batteries. He goes to back up my car so he can pull out of driveway and the power steering goes out in my car! I guess it's just a fuse, but still! When he said the power steering went out I'm thinking it's some major type of repair, so I'm very relieved it's just a fuse.


  1. That just gave me chills about the dog bleeding so and pulling out a toenail! People are crazy and there are crazier people who will hurt someone.

    Awful car story. At least you were at home and not stranded. How did you get to batteries and fuse with no car to get them?

    1. he swapped a fuse from the rear window defogger and put in power steering spot and was able to drive the car to the parts store.

  2. I see Twitter too mostly gor business like quick links and snnouncements. I don't know oatmeal tweeting people!

    1. I guess I don't get the reason for average joe to tweet about themselves to the world, haha. Do they really think they are that important or that anyone really cares? haha.

  3. I used to pay my insurance monthly, but I switched to annually -save the $$ and get it right out of the way. I do hope DD's doggie feels better, that lady in line could have been me (cause sometimes folks do cut lines) but that is proof to just mind your beeswax!

    Also, I love my Twitter feed but I follow sports, news, events etc - a super wide mix of accounts, never a dull moment - but it definitely is not for everyone!

    1. I guess dd didn't really see that there was a "line" at a vet office, LOL. The vet office is in charge of their scheduling, just like a dr office. DD could have had an appointment before their appt, for all they knew.

      Do you use twitter to post stuff about yourself? That's the part I don't really "get", LOL.

    2. Exactly, DD was obviously focused on the poor pup but knew they had an appointment - the woman should have just zipped it up lol!

      I do post random stuff about myself, maybe about things I am thinking/feeling/venting. I have some folks who are so nice and they check in on me if I feel glum, and I have made a really great friend from Twitter - we don't live in the same place but he is a super good friend! I find it useful for so many things / resources too!

    3. well, there ya go! Glad there are people who do that for you, then it's very useful :)

    4. I guess it's not different than blogging, LOL.

    5. Yes, super similar to a blog! Things move very quickly there too, it can be very fascinating.

  4. I don't understand posting pictures of your food or the endless trout pout selfies either. I mean, does anyone think everyone else finds them that interesting? I can see following someone famous or sports events or whatever (not that I do, but I can understand it), but I find the endless selfies just weird!

    1. Endless selfies are more of an Instagram thing for me. I do follow someone who has a thread about restaurants in Toronto that they recommend, and they add to it - super useful.

      If you curate it to your tastes, twitter is amazing!! i do follow celebs etc, but its more normal folks who bring me lots of laughs haha

  5. The best savings are the savings on exactly the same thing. You don't have to cut corners but are just getting something for less. I do like Twitter because its created a customized news feed for me. Some local news, some national news, news for certain sports teams, etc. Plus Twitter seems to be the best indicator of what the stock market will do. Lol!

    1. I think Twitter would be very useful for news and keeping up to date on events and announcements.
