Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Tuesday this and that

Of course, I didn't get quite as much done on my side job as I had thought I would yesterday, but I at least got all their bank accounts reconciled for December. I don't know why, but they felt the need to open 3 checking and savings at 3 different banks, last yaer. And the owner will write checks out of all of them. It's certainly not how I would do things. Too confusing and no need for it at all. And so weird that they will not put their excess money in a higher paying Money Market account. I have suggested it numerous times over the years. When you have over a million dollars in savings, it's really dumb to only be earning like $100 a month on it. My main company has a little over that in a money market account and we earn like $2000 a month in interest. It's been awhile since I mentioned it, and with all the recent additions of bank accounts, I just emailed to ask her why they aren't putting it in something better. Seems really dumb to just be letting that kind of interest go. You know the banks they have it in, are earning on it, paying out so little in interest.

I decided to place an Amazon subscribe and save order yesterday, mostly dog food/supplies, except for one item. I have an Amazon Prime account I share with DD (under her name) and then also just a regular Amazon account under my name. I put the items in my cart on my account and they came to $53, with the coupons (most items had a 40% off coupon). Shipping was sometime to arrive between 27th and 30th. Then I decided to put them in the cart under the Prime account. Weird. The total came to almost $59, though shipping was quicker. I decided I can wait until next week for these items and chose the cheaper cart. We should have enough dog food through like the 2nd of Feb, but I decided to go ahead and order my Chewy autoship order one more time. That usually takes 4-5 days to get here and should be here by next Monday at the latest. I've been wanting to have an extra bag of dog food (at least!) on hand again, anyway. When we lived in the house in town I had 1-2 extra bags. When we moved into the shop and since we've been in the house, I haven't done that. Just been relying on the monthly shipment, usually getting it about a week to 10 days before I run out.

It was a really good deal on that first Amazon Subscribe and save order to get all that for $53. 40# Bag of dog food, 7 lb box of milk bones, bag of brushing chews, 30 day supply of Cosequin for dog and a 6 pack of the Crystal Light tea to go, DH drinks in his water. It all would have been $90.

I just spent $10 on some clearance Dearform bootie slippers at Kohl's online. They were on clearance, plus the 30% off and free shipping codes. My slippers (similar style) are so old. It's time for a new pair.

My accounting software with work froze up and then I couldn't open it. ARGH! I don't need this today. But, the IT guy called right back and fixed it quickly, which doesn't usually happen. Usually it takes them an hour or two to call back and another hour to fix it.  Maybe because rather than email, I did a "ticket" through the system and marked it "high importance" haha. I'll have to remember that.

I do have to update all my auto pay bills with the new credit card info. While the card # is the same, the expiration date changed.  I've changed 2 so far, but need to go over my budget list and see which are auto and still need to be changed. I don't need to get a notice after the fact that my payment didn't go through. I think the only other auto pay is Dh's health insurance. Everything else that I have on auto pay comes out of my checking account, not charged on card.

Now, that I'm up and running with my software, back to work it is.


  1. I did not realize I had to update my ATT payment with new number for my card and my phone was turned off. Hiss!

    1. it is annoying for sure. Especially when there was no reason for them to send me a new card. My old one didn't expire for another year.
