Saturday, January 11, 2020

So glad I'm done with Friday

Awhile back I bought DH this floor squeegee thing, for the shop and garage floor. He said it works great and he really likes having it. He sprayed off our car outside (actually I think he washed it after we got back the other day, just brought out a 5 gallon bucket with hot water and soap). The inside where we park was dirty from the wet/muddy tires (from other days of driving) so he sprayed the floor with the hose and then used his squeegee to push it all out the door and said it really takes the water right off the floor and almost dries it.

Does anyone use Amazon subscribe and save program? I'm trying to see if there is a way to save a little on things I buy regularly, though often Walmart seems to be the best price. It appears with Amazon subscribe and save you have to buy 5 items shipped monthly, but it does appear you can change the items whenever, but I'm not certain. I know there are 4 items that I buy monthly and are about a 30 day supply - 3 of the 4 items are for the dogs, which I typically order from auto ship. I would save on Amazon's prices for some of it, but the dog food is about $1.75 cheaper with Chewy. But, for my first time order of the dog food on Amazon subscribe and save there is a 40% off coupon, saving me almost $15. I'm just trying to figure out a 5th item that I go through on about a monthly basis. Some of my stuff I just buy when needed and have never really paid close attention to how often I purchase it. Some items every shopping trip, some not. I suppose I can change items, but that seems like a lot of work to keep track of what I am ordering. I think I'd only like this method of buying if I could "set it and forget it" (pretty much like I currently do with the dog food order from I really wouldn't want to have to be changing items.

I am so tired of dealing with our new payroll processing. Every stinking payroll (twice a month) it's something different causing an issue. This time I go to create my payroll batch and it's got an error message that payroll is not "projected" for this time cycle. We process our payroll with the last 4 paydays of the pay period are estimated (or projected, in their terms). Well, I'm guessing that since it's the new year they must have to set something up again, to add in our projected dates. We are supposed to have a dedicated payroll person, who oversees all this stuff, but for the most part, it seems like it's all on us to know their system and what to expect, which of course we don't. It's been 5 months now of payroll hassles. It's all related to stuff "behind the scenes" on how their intricate programming works. I think I've had one that wasn't a hassle. And trying to get a hold of our payroll person with the payroll company is always fun. She is so slow to respond and usually with payroll, stuff is more urgent. Finally, at 5pm I was able to get payroll finished. I should have been done at 11am!

We did get a couple more inches of snow overnight. Depending on which weather forecast I look at we're either getting hardly anymore this weekend or getting like 12 inches, LOL. Honestly, I just hope it is some, so it gives DH something to do outside, plowing and shoveling. He's about on my last nerve. He's in his feel sorry for himself moods and no one can say or do anything that doesn't offend him in some way. Hopefully a little snow, fresh air and exercise will fix that, for a little while anyway.

Well, I need to take a walk out in it - have something to mail out for my side job and I should try to get it out in todays mail and our mailcarrier comes pretty early.


  1. Maybe you can keep him busy and happy with his new squeegee or something else that will keep him from being so grumpy. We are under a tornado watch and the temp is 69F outdoors and indoors it was 70F . I love the South.

    1. We are at about 25F. You can have your tornadoes LOL.

  2. I yes, I remember the urgency around payroll. I was inputting stuff from the HR side but heck did we have some cock-ups and, like you say, it was always urgent! Don't miss that at all.

    1. My boss does the HR side and we are both struggling to learn all the details this system requires, compared to our old one.


  3. i use Amazon's subscribe and save all the time. You don't have to have 5 items but you get a larger discount if you do.

    1. thanks for the info. I'm going to check into it more.

  4. I use S/S as well but always check the price before it ships because the price often goes up month to month. I get the dogs 40# bags of food(saves me from hauling it), my supplements as well as paper goods, not every month is the same for me but combined with that discount (even just 5%) and the 5% for using my Amazon Card, it helps.

    1. thanks for the info - I'm going to give it a try for a couple of months, and good to know about the pricing changes.
