Thursday, January 2, 2020

Mom and her car

When my uncle called last night, he of course was concerned with her frame of mind, he was noticing yesterday. I would call it one of her "episodes" where she gets very confused and forgetful. Of course he called, when DH was within listening range, so of course he also gets all concerned. I try to tell both of them this happens when she gets feeling overwhelmed and it doesn't happen very often. They act like 'oh, this is it. she's going to be like this from now on". SB had the same reaction when she got all overwhelmed last August (for one day) about that credit card charge she thought was fraud. Then of course SB overreacted and literally within a couple weeks he/she had her home up for sale. (but the very next day he emailed me and said "oh, she was doing fine again, what a difference a day made".)

Like DD and I say - basically she can go to sleep for the night and it's like a "reset" and she'll be fine the next day and I'm sure that's what will happen today, compared to how she was acting with uncle on the phone calls yesterday. If she gets too much to think about it overwhelms her and she can't remember what just happened or was said an hour ago. No reason to panic and get her moved out in the next week! DH was like "she needs to move over here...go get her and she can stay with us". Another reason I've been leaving DH out of this as much as possible. He just overreacts to everything too and I don't need to deal with that, too. She is fine and safe where she is for the time being. DH also has a hard time with how much it costs at these assisted living places. Well, that's why she has the money she has, so she can pay for that, no problem. (and honestly, it's really none of his business, LOL, it's her money and her choice) Plus, with the increased memory issues that she is going to most likely have going forward she needs to live in a place that deals with that. Not in my home, where she wouldn't have any socialization (besides us) and nothing here to do to keep her mind occupied, like an assisted living/memory care place would do for her.

At least, I feel like she wouldn't get enough stimulation living here with us....but then again, she still hasn't done any activities socializing (other than when she goes to eat downstairs) where she's living now, so I guess not much difference. But, it's also  just the fact that she has her own apartment/some independence, compared to if she lived with us.  I'm still really surprised she hasn't done any of the activities offered where she lives (there is stuff going on every day) as she has always been very social and active type of person. I think she got so used to only doing stuff/being with BF the past many years, that she's gotten out of that. After my dad passed, and then she started seeing BF, shortly after, she really hasn't done much. She stopped golfing. She would sometimes go to the casino for a few hours, but he didn't like that, so she eventually stopped even doing that by herself. From what I could tell BF didn't do anything, really and when he moved to this place, I don't think he ever partook in the activities either, so all those weekends she visited him there, before she moved there, I don't think they did any of the activities there either.

She actually just called me this afternoon to say hello (I was about to call her myself, haha) and she sounded good. Said uncle told her he got her car picked up from DS's place. She sounded totally fine with it and seemed very chipper, back to normal self, as I figured she would.


  1. Maybe if you got the schedule of events and encouraged her, she would get out and do something. She might just need you to talk it up the day before and remind her that day. Plus, does she have a printed schedule of events?

    1. she does get a printed copy and they have it down on a big tv screen type thing downstairs as you go into the lobby from the elevator. I keep hoping one of the other ladies will talk her into joining them for something and she'll try it.

  2. Glad to hear that she seems to be doing fine, again.

    1. Me too. She seems to do best when there's not too much happening in her life.

  3. You seem to be well tuned to her days and needs. With DH's concerns, you probably should already think about what your plans-30 years from now, might be.

  4. Your DH is a very nice person to want your mom to live with you. Not a lot of husbands would. I guess there are good days and bad days as one gets older. I am glad she gave up driving so easily. It must be a relief for you. Have a wonderful New Year!

    1. it is nice of him, though I doubt he really understands what something like that would really be like, haha, especially with memory issues to deal with.
