Monday, January 6, 2020

Jumping into the week

We finally got some snow. Not a bunch, but a few inches, enough to cover everything and make the trees pretty. Hopefully that will put DH in a better mood. He's been complaining about everything, including that it's January and we can see our lawn, LOL.

Our electrician finally called DH this morning about our flicking lights problem that I contacted them almost a month ago on. I had to send the guy a reminder email last Friday.

Usually I call my mom, but once in awhile she will call me, which is good. She called yesterday afternoon and sounded really good,  though said she really hadn't been doing much of anything all day. I told her I emailed her the links to the assisted living places and she said she had remembered she asked me to send them and was planning to get on her computer after our call. She also said she checked on her auto insurance policy and there was still like 2 months left of the years she prepaid, so she was going to cancel and hopefully get a partial refund. I said they should prorate out what is left and send her a check. Good that she thought of that on her own.

Then she called me back to ask if I knew her AOL password......I don't understand why this is always so complicated! I had saved her login and password on her computer, so she wouldn't have to put in her password every time. Just click on sign in. Then she said "I probably have it written down somewhere" and I told her where we put the password list in her desk drawer, but again, (as it was missing when we visited) it's not there. Probably explains why she hasn't looked at her emails for a good 2 weeks. She couldn't log in. I gave her the password and didn't hear back from her, but since I had set up my email as a secondary contact with AOL on her account, I then got an email she changed the password. I'll have to call her this morning and get the new one from her....she probably won't even remember she did that or didn't write it down or can't remember where she wrote it.

The game camera DH got for Christmas is showing several deer come through. We've seen this trio often so not surprised, though last pictures show 4 deer down in our back yard. It takes really good pictures. Better than the security camera system we had set up in our old druggie neighborhood, LOL.

Well, on to work this morning. I see my boss has a crisis with our payroll company. They did a year end W-2 adjustment on our owners and 2 other employees to record some "w-2 taxable income". They were just supposed to add the income to their w-2 for the year and somehow ended up deducting from their paychecks. UGH. Plus, my boss out out with the flu and having to deal with this. Bad start to the week, eh?

I hit post before I was done, haha. Last thing I was going to chat about is one of our dogs. He was acting so strange yesterday afternoon and evening. The dogs had been outside with DH for a bit and came in just a little before their dinner time. He was being so slow to eat. The older dog finished before him. He was acting like he wasn't sure if he should eat or not. I was in the kitchen and looked over into the laundry room at one point and he was just sitting off to the side of the feeding area, with his ears down, like he was scared. It was so strange. Finally he finished. Plus he would follow me around and try to stand in front of me, like he didn't want me to leave his side. A few days ago I had taken off his collar and hadn't put it back on. I had put it back on earlier yesterday. Maybe he was upset about that? I don't know. Weird. We took it off.  Usually when DH is eating both dogs will sit at his feet because they know he'll feed them, but he didn't do that this time. He was kind of acting like he has if he did something wrong (which is rarely). The rest of the evening he went and layed down on our bed and he seemed to sleep fine (on the floor next to my side of the bed, as usual) all night and seems fine this morning. I'm wondering if DH yelled at him when they had been outside, because DH came in complaining that he had walked the dogs out on the vacant area for quite awhile and then they walked back and pooped in the gravel driveway (which DH hates trying to scoop up with rocks). He's very sensitive if he thinks he did something wrong and I'm guessing that may have been it and DH wouldn't fess up.


  1. Confront DH on camera like people do on you tube. Poor dog. I did not dogs could be so sensitive for so long. Can DH not just hose down the rocks, or even just dump a big bucket of water on the poopy rocks? Maybe if that is what happened, the dog won't do it again. Did your mother put the password note in a safe place or do you think someone took it?

    1. He's such a good dog that he rarely does anything to get in trouble for that I'm guessing even DH probably just sternly saying "no, no pooping here" LOL, he got upset. He's also our dog who turns into a total scaredy cat when the power comes BACK ON during a power outage. When I last visited mom and we couldn't find her password paper, she was worried one of the housekeepers took it. I finally found it in between some of her mail and such, in her file tray she has on her desk. I'm guessing it's there again.

  2. Poor puppy. He (the dog, not your DH!) sounds like a real softy. I hope your mom is able to remember what she changed her password to. At least now though, you can always reset it again for her.

    1. I was thinking the same thing - hopefully she wrote it down and remembers where, haha! She was supposed to email it to me, but forgot, apparently. But, yes, if need be I can change/update it again ;) (good grief!)

  3. Hope your dog is OK, now. Hope, too, that you got your mom's new password! Wonder what made her change it.

    1. Pup seems totally fine now. I think he just got his feelings hurt about something. Still no password yet. For some reason when she went to log into AOL Sunday it wanted her password and she couldn't remember/find it, so she called me and I told her what it was. Why she still had to change it I have no idea.

  4. Aaahhh, how sweet to have a sensitive dog! Make your husband go sit on the naughty stool!
