Wednesday, January 15, 2020

To complain or not to complain

We are still dealing with neighbor dog(s) barking. This is mainly due to their newest dog (a 3 yr old lab), they got several months ago. If you may recall, when we bought our property they had 3 dogs (all big). They have a very large fenced in area attached to a door on the side of their house (facing our property) with a doggy door. The dogs can go in and out 24/7. Then they got another dog (a puppy, same breed as one of their other dogs) At one point, that first summer they had 6 dogs, because they were caring for their son's 2 dogs. Then the son's dogs went home and one of their dogs passed away, so back to 3 dogs. This was before we started building. Then the first summer we started building they had their son's 2 dogs again for several months. Last summer/fall they had their son's dogs again (because this time they were putting in a yard and didn't want their dogs on it). Finally last fall they got back to 3 dogs and everything calmed way down. Then shortly after that they decide to take this trouble lab some lady wanted to get rid of.  We've been listening to it ever since they got it. During the time they had 5 dogs last summer, and it got bad again, we asked if they would use the bark collars they said they had. That took care of it pretty well. (not to mention our covenants for these 7 lots state 2 dogs are allowed)

Finally, a month and a half or so ago I asked if they could try using the bark collar, with this new dog. They did (they actually put them on new dog and one that rarely barks, LOL) and quickly seemed to take care of the problem - when they use it. Obviously this week they haven't been using it. A little while back DH and Mr exchanged cell ph#'s and sometimes Mr. will text Dh to ask how the dogs were doing (when they were trying out the bark collar on the new dog) while he was gone. DH would tell him all good, when the collar is on, not good when it's not. But, Mr. hasn't asked for a week or two.

We are SO tired of complaining to them about the dogs. Mostly it's just the new dog, but after awhile of barking, he gets one of the other one's riled up, so he joins in. They are both gone most of the day. She works and is gone like 10-11 hours and he's got part time jobs here and there and is usually gone a good part of all day. So, the dog barks. Not for hours and hours at a time (though he has done that a few times), but enough that it sure is annoying. They always act like they will fix the problem and use the bark collar but then if when we bring it up again...because guess what? he's barking and has no bark collar on...the excuse is "Mr. forgot to put it on before he left". Again, we are just tired of having to constantly bring it up with them. They don't have to listen to the barking, so obviously no big deal to them. When one of them is home, the dogs are usually fine when they are outside and if they do start barking (which they do sometimes) then one of them comes right outside and tells them to stop. (I'm assuming because they don't like to listen to it either) Do they think they don't bark when they aren't home? We get that Mrs doesn't like the bark collars, we don't either, but then figure out another way to fix the issue.  Of course we realize there will always be some barking - that is just normal for dogs, when their people come home, or when someone pulls into our neighborhood, that kind of thing. But this constant barking for no reason (other than he's bored and misses his humans) has got to stop.

We don't have an outside kennel for our dogs, but if we did and we were going to be gone, we wouldn't leave them outside if we knew they barked. If we leave for a few hours they stay in the house. I suppose if they weren't that trustworthy we'd just keep them in the laundry room, out of the rest of the house (but they are fine to be left alone once in awhile). I would never subject others to my dogs being a nuisance. It drives me nuts when our older dog barks when someone comes here. While he stops soon after he gets his hello's out of his system, it still drives me nuts. If I know in advance the person will be here soon, I will shut them in a bedroom until the person gets inside. Then I will let them out, old barker gets allowed to have his quick hello barks and he's done. But if for some reason he's keeping it up (rarely) I will make him go in the bedroom again, with the door shut. I don't want him annoying people, even in my own home.

Since we've been dog owners while being home with them during the day and been dog owners when we worked outside the home, I can tell you it's a big difference in the behavior of the dogs. I follow a dog rescue place on Facebook and I can see why when they adopt their rescues out, they make sure the owner or one of the owners, if a couple, either works from home or is retired. They will not adopt out if someone is gone all day. Our dogs get the attention (and discipline) they need, they get the exercise and mental stimulation they need, by us being home with them during the day. We also own 2 big dogs, one of them high energy, one medium energy level (though lower energy now that he's 11). Neighbors have 2 of a high energy breed, 1 medium and 1 low (only because she's very old now). Those dogs do not get the attention or exercise/activity level they need with Mr & Mrs. - at all. Mr and Mrs get up at like 3:30 each morning. It's too dark out still for hours to do anything with the dogs and Mrs leaves for work before light anyway. Mr sometimes does have to leave before light. She gets home between 5:30 and 6:10pm. Mr. varies, but usually home by early afternoon. They literally go to bed like 7pm.

But again, neither DH or I like to be complaining to them about it AT ALL. It's stressful to listen to and it's stressful to us to have to keep bringing up to them. DH and I were just sitting here in my office discussing what to do about it. We aren't going to keep complaining. DH isn't going to go out there and keep trying to give the dog attention (like he has tried most days), we aren't going to keep living with it. We have this absolutely amazing lovely home, in a lovely little "neighborhood" (Seven 2 acre lots), with the next nearest neighbors a mile away (and that will never change as the rest is state/fed land). We aren't going to spend our days in this lovely home/property listening to dogs bark all the time. We spent too much money on this place to live like this.

We decided I'd try talking to neighbors, one more time, this evening after she gets home from work (sometimes we call, but often it's a quick text or email about it) on the phone. DH said I should be the one. His tone comes across bad, he thinks. I'm usually sweeter and nicer (unless it's email, LOL). I will ask them what they think is reasonable for the situation and what amount of barking they think is reasonable, so that we know where we stand, we don't have to keep complaining, and we can make a decision on what we will do. If daily (because they are gone quite bit on weekends too) barking is what we will have to be dealing with then we can make a decision if this is where will stay living.

DH walks back downstairs and gets a text, from Mr. Wow, that was coincidental timing! He says, he's been gone all day, they've been leaving the bark collars off, how is dog doing? DH said "well, let's just say we can tell the bark collar is not on, it's been pretty miserable". He replied back that when he has to leave for part of the day, he's been taking dog with him (I guess just leaving him in his car? brrrr!), but today he had to be gone all day, so they left him, and thought he'd be ok without the bark collar. DH also then said one of the other dogs has been joining in, too. He replied back "I'm so sorry! The bark collars will be back on!".  So, at least we didn't have to be the one's to bring it up again and it was at least good that he asked how it's going. I know they mean well, and they are both so nice, which is another reason why we hate to be the complainers. But, honestly I know they wouldn't like to listen to it all day!

So, I guess for now we'll see how the next round of "we'll keep the bark collar on" will go.......


  1. Is there any way they can leave the bark collars in an accessible location so you can put them on when they forget? You have been very patient with the owners, but why take in this troubled pup if they cannot devote the attnetion to it? So frustrating!

    1. Neighbor actually suggested that (kinda joking) once, but DH feels like it's not our responsibility to take care of their dogs. DH doesn't like those bark collars either (just for the pain they cause dogs) so while it wouldn't be our first choice on a solution, if that's what they want to use, that is fine, but they should be the one's doing it. Like DH also said - he loves the dogs and visits with them and when they are out they visit with us - he doesn't want them then associating him with pain.

  2. I would not be responsible for putting on the bark collars. Can you tell them you are at the end of your rope and no longer can enjoy your home with the incessant barking and ruining the peaceful atmosphere of your home and land. Just say that one sentence in a text. Let them wonder what else is at the end of your rope. Maybe they can put a fence and dog door on the other side of the house. ??? Maybe they can return the dog since they cannot handle it. I had a neighbor whose dog barked about 20 hours per day and it was only 12 feet from my bedroom since they chose to tie it next to my bedroom. Do they know there is a two dog limit?

    1. it may come to telling them that at some point, if it doesn't get resolved. Yes, they know it's a 2 dog limit. I think because they lived here for 9 years before us and the other people built, that they didn't really have to abide by any of the rules.

  3. That would drive us bananas!
    I love dogs but hate all that unnecessary barking. I would keep letting the neighbors know. It's hard to believe they are so unaware. Do any other neighbors hear the barking or just you lucky guys?

    1. We are just so tired of having to keep letting them know. It's making us feel like the bad guys all the time, when we aren't the one infringing on neighbors peace and quiet. We are pretty much the "lucky guys". Besides the couple that built down at the end of our street I'm guessing it's not so loud for them, not being right next door. The next nearest neighbors are a mile a way, but they must hear it a little as one time, before we built, they made a comment that led us to believe they knew the dogs barked a lot.

  4. The barking would drive me up the wall. Since you work from home, I can't imagine how you are managing. I would complain, and let them know if the matter isn't resolved with this final complaint, you will have no choice but to take it to your HOA. You have been far more patient than I would have been!

    1. There is no HOA, just covenants, and if there were it would be them, us and the other couple that built, LOL. The vacant lots, I'm sure the owners could care less.

  5. Maybe you should record the dogs barking and play it back to them! Hope they remember to put the bark collars back on the dogs!

  6. If things don't improve and there's a 2 dog limit, can you report them for having more then 2?

    1. There isn't really anyone to report to. As we learned with our previous covenants at our house in town, basically either an HOA would need to be formed or hire an attorney to threaten to sue someone for violations. The 2 dogs rule isn't really my concern over the problem, as long as we don't have to listen to them. They could just as easily have 1 dog that is a nuisance. We are just done with having to complain to them all the time. That's now how we want to have to live our lives.

    2. Oh I know the dog limit wasn't your concern. I just thought if there was someone to report it to that maybe it would lead to the rehoming of the dog who barks all the time ;)

    3. unfortunately there isn't anyone to report it to. You'd think the fact that within the first month or two of having the dogs they ended up with thousands of dollars in vet bills, due to that dog fighting and injuring one of the other dogs and itself, they would have rehomed it. Plus, at the same time they were needing an ACL sugery on one of the other dogs, that's very expensive and she had already said she had to borrow from her 401k to pay for that! Eeek!

    4. correction: having the dog (new dog), not dogs

    5. Yikes! Yea I would have definitely rehomed that dog after the fighting leading to the vet bills. Especially given their limited amount of time at home to actually train and oversee the pups. Hope things improve re barking noises for y'all.

  7. They must be reallly loud if you are inside and they are outside, and only outside at will?
    Personally, I despise dogs. I will never have any again. I can barely stand my own anymore. The neighbor's two dogs, (the very two who have gotten out of their fence numerous time, attacked my little dog while I have been walking him on the leash, finally biting me about the 6th time they did causing a $400 wound--dogs still there, but they haven't managed to escape since--if they do, they they will be no more, and I am not being hyperbolic) bark whenever anybody goes by, but as long as they are inside the fence (5 acres) I am aware of it, but it doesn't bother me. Regardless, you shouldn't have to put up with it. I am very forgiving, as my big gentle boy walks about a bit--he won't really leave our yard unless a particular neighbor he loves is out, but it took forever to get him to realize he cannot go to our old yard across the lane at will. Fortunately, he's a gentle soul, and everybody knows it, not like those inbred, foul beasts who have terroritzed this plat of homes. Plus, he is only outside if we are home. That said, I. Am. Sick. Of. Dogs. You shouldn't have to move, but again, is it REALLY that bad, or are you just very hypersensitive to this? It could be much worse somewhere else--better the devil you know. If it were me, I would have a real heart to heart with the owners and let them know how miserable you are. Don't complain per se, just say that their dogs are making you miserable, to the point that you want to move. It could be that they really don't understand how unbearable it can be. And, if it were me, I'd be thinking along the lines of "Wow, some people who are this miserable might have gone to further extremes like calling the sheriff...I better fix this."

    1. It must be loud, because our house is really pretty good with outside sounds. We never even hear anyone pull into our driveway! Even a loud ups truck.But we can hear the dogs, all the way from the other end of our house. Plus we live in kind of a "canyon", with cliffs on one side of us, outside sounds, especially barking, just echo all over (which is why I think the people a mile down the road mentioned their barking dogs to DH, once before we started building). Our dogs will stay on our property, too, theirs no, but we can live with that occasional intrusion (just not when we had grass seed planted!). That's what I was trying to work out in my head, after Dh's and I talk, what exactly to say to neighbors to make them realize how bad this is, that we aren't going to live with dogs barking every day all throughout the day, and the nicest way to say it, but thankfully right then Mr. texted DH about it! I was relieved, to say the least, but also not super confident it will stay resolved. They tend to slack off on it after a week or so. We were really nervous about their new dog meeting our dogs (because he kept fighting with one of their dogs) but he's met them a few times now and he's been good.

    2. I think neighbors had it really good for 9 years, being the only ones out here, who built on the lots. They've had the whole area to themselves and if their dogs barked all day while they were gone, who knew? who cared? I think now having neighbors is a big adjustment for them, but they had to know, when they bought that someday there would be someone right next door, on both sides of them (though they did end up buying the lot on the other side of them) and they'd have to make concessions on doing whatever they want. They REALLY should NOT have taken that new dog, whatsoever. They have no clue how to handle a dog with behavioral issues and they certainly do not have the time it takes to handle and train a dog like that. Just plain stupid.

    3. "They have no clue how to handle a dog with behavioral issues..." You know, this is EXACTLY why the shelters fill up. A dog, as you know, is a huge responsibility. You should go into it with your eyes wide open. And I can't imagine having a dog at all if I wasn't home for the better part of the day, least of all a Labrador Retriever. Even the most well bread of that breed is meant for constant companionship.

    4. You are 100% right. Both our dogs are a lab mix and especially our one dog (flat coat retriever/lab mix) must have constant companionship. I can't imagine leaving 4 dogs alone for 8-11 hours a day. People who have that many dogs should be home with them. I know that's why my DD's 2 dogs aren't very well behaved - they just do not get enough people time and are alone all day. It's sad for the dogs. Our neighbors knew this dog had issues and it just blows my mind that they even took it, when they have basically no time to give to it.

    5. Hahahaha...I just read what autocorrect did--"well BREAD." Hahaha.

    6. Hahahaha! My MIL used to call pure bread dogs "thoroughbred" dogs. LOL. I always wanted to say they're not horses, LOL

  8. I'm so sorry you're going through this, but I think Bless' idea of recording the barking is a good one! Just so they can listen to what you have to put up with all the time. My neighbour's dog barks all the time too but it's a yappy little thing so doesn't bother me so much. But the dog crap (from bigger dogs) in my yard …..!!!! Some people shouldn't have dogs if the have no intention of taking care of them and training them!

    1. I think the yapping kind would bother me more, haha. I think neighbors totally believe us about the barking amount. I just think they keep hoping it will magically just take care of itself if they ignore it. Or that a couple of good days (usually because Mr is home more of the day) means it's not going to keep happening. I'm not really sure. Or maybe they think we'll just get used to it.
