Sunday, March 24, 2019

Sunday for a few more hours

I wish the weekends didn't seem to go so fast. Both the finish work guy and his wife/painter came and worked all day yesterday. He's here again today, but she was worn out and stayed home.

Here is a picture of our entryway. I think it looks amazing and it isn't even finished, LOL. The side and top windows for the door aren't in yet. The floor is still covered in paper. There's wiring for the thermostat sticking out the wall.

DH's buddy (the one we didn't see for a long time) came over again yesterday morning for a few hours. It was good for DH to get a break just to visit and talk.

Originally we were going to do grocery shopping yesterday but DH wanted to go do it Sunday, since his friend was coming over and the subs were here working. But, I told him I have to go into the city on Tuesday morning for my annual physical, so I can just do the grocery shopping by myself, after I get done with my appointment. He was happy with that. I did run into town yesterday afternoon to pick up a few things from the grocery store, to tide us over through Tuesday. Milk and break. They finally had some of the yogurt I like. And I picked up some fried chicken for dinner. I was ready to eat something that doesn't come out of the microwave, for a change.

It was 60 degrees by yesterday afternoon. Seemed strange to be 60 out and still so much snow on the ground. 

I'm just going to try to relax the rest of today. I'm still working my way through Doctor Who episodes. I'm up to season 5, though I'm not sure I'm liking the new cast yet in this season. I've also got a book to finish, before my borrowing time runs out. It's just a Danielle Steele book - so an easy light read. I used to read all her books years and years ago, but got tired of them, as they are basically all the same format. But, when I was desperate for stuff to read the past couple of months, I added a couple of her books to my wait list.


  1. I love the way it looks. Very homey and warm. How much longer do you need to wait before you move in?

    1. Probably at least a month, unless the granite countertop people can schedule us in sooner. It's getting there, but still a lot of inside finish work to do.

  2. Stunning and so much space! I bet you can't wait to move in!

  3. It looks great! I really love all the timber, will be lovely to see it all finished.

    1. Thank you, we are really happy with how it's turning out!

  4. Looks like quite a spacious entrance. It's getting there!!

  5. It looks great! Very spacious, too. All the stuff you have to put up with during the construction will be worth it when it is all done and you can move in!

    1. I hope we can forget about all the headaches soon after, haha!
