Thursday, March 21, 2019

Delivery central

More deliveries today.  First one was at 5 freaking 30 am!! WTH?! The bathtub was being delivered. Who delivers at that time of morning? Woke neighbor dogs up, woke us up. Oh well,  haha.

Second delivery was the wall oven/microwave.  Third delivery was the stove cooktop.  DH managed to install the wall oven/microwave basically by himself, while the electricians are here today, they were able to hook it up. It look really nice in the built in cabinets.  I'm just relieved it fits, LOL.

I've also got some UPS I'm expecting from my offices. Both are needing to send me checks. Side job, because of their checking account being stolen. But, apparently they mailed them to my old address, so now waiting on the re-routing. My regular boss is mailing me a bunch of signed checks, as she's going to be out for a couple of weeks on medical leave, so we are just trying to cover all the bases, in case an emergency check needs to go out and one of the owners aren't around to sign one. I"m sure there will be at least one salesperson who won't heed her warning to get their expense report in by 4/1, or they will have to wait a couple weeks for their checks and then they will be begging for a check.  I told her today I may have to forge her name on a credit card payment authorization while she is out. Wouldn't be the first time, but it's been a long time since I had to, LOL.

The neighbor guy down at the end of our street who is building a house...he stopped by last night - turns out he now has mold in his attic space. Dang! He wanted to get the name of the company we used to get rid of ours in our crawlspace. We told him we almost had mold in the attic, too. DH noticed it was wet up there, but no mold yet. We ended up having to use fans and due to the structure of our roof system, (because our attic space is mostly all living space) we had to end up spray foam insulating the parts they had previously done with spray in regular insulation. Just another big bill we didn't need. He's pretty sick about it. Attic space is harder to fix than crawlspace. The HVAC guy was out to finish getting our furnace installed in the crawlspace. He said all the houses he's doing now have mold. What is going on?! It sounds like it's the osb board now being used causing it. The compressed wood and glue they use has mold in it that will activate in the right conditions and everyone seems to be having the right conditions, it appears. I'll bet someday there'll be a big class action lawsuit over this. Like there was with defective Hardy siding several years back.

We've been letting painter lady come in the shop to use our microwave to heat up lunch she has brought for them. No biggie. But, as soon as that microwave/oven combo got installed and turned on, sure enough they say "oh hey, we can just heat our lunch up in that!" NO! you are not using my brand new stuff before I even get to use it! This is my brand new house.  You want to use our shower or soaking tub, too? Give me a break.

Well, time for lunch. I've been craving a tuna fish sandwich (with some relish mixed in).


  1. Good grief ~ who is even awake (let alone out and about making deliveries!) at such an early hour?! Lol I wonder if the person making the delivery just thought they were just delivering to a non-occupied job site. I'm surprised the bathtub wasn't put in before the walls even went up. Hopefully nothing got damaged bringing it into the house.

    Those mold issues don't sound good at all. How far along is your neighbors build?

    Sounds like your painter lady is all but ready to move in. She probably has even picked out her room, which I'm guessing will be the master. Lol

    1. I guess the plan is to build the surround where the tub can drop in, but they wanted the tub here before they do that? I don't know. Some of their ways seems backwards to me too. The neighbors are pretty far along, but they are doing all the finish work themselves. They are living in the house now.

  2. That painter lady is something else!! The sooner she is finished the better! 5:30 delivery, OMG! That's like the middle of the night. So ridiculous about all these mold issues. You'd think they would stop using the materials that are causing it. Looking forward to more pictures.

    1. I keep hoping she is almost done, LOL. I could ask her to share all the pictures she took the other day? haha!

  3. Oh wow! Those delivery guys must be really hardworking. That painter lady has some nerve! I cannot wait for her to be out of your home. Can someone whom I never met get on my nerves? She does. I wish you did not do the wiring for the appliances. Wİth what we have already read about her, it may not be wrong to assume she would sneak her food in the new microwave. The witch who lives in me, is about to grab her broom and chase her out. Lol! You are the most patient person I know.

    1. Her hubby made a comment about using it too...(OMG) so DH made it clear to them it wasn't to be used. He said "my wife gets to use the brand new stuff in her house first". I wonder if they are working again this Saturday. As much as I want them to get finished, we really need a break this weekend!
