Friday, March 1, 2019

Excuse me........

Excuse me while I play around with backgrounds for my blog. I have no idea what I am doing! And not sure how to go back to my hummingbirds now.  I'm trying to figure out how to just do one big picture as the background, not tiles of it. It looks to "busy" with tiles.


  1. first I tried one of my own landscape pictures but it "tiled" all over, I guess because it's not enough pixels to be one large picture. This wood wall seems ok, one of the stock choices.

  2. I had a big quilt pic as the background on my blog one, but dont remember how I did it. For now I stick with bloggers choices.

    1. I can't remember where i got the hummingbirds from. Guess I'll just stick with this one for now

  3. It's fun to change up once in awhile.

    1. I wish I could figure out how to change it to one of my pictures and have it be the whole background and not in tiles

  4. I like the new look. It goes very well with the setting of your new home.
