Tuesday, March 26, 2019

A super busy day

What a busy day I've had. I'm exhausted. I had a dr appointment for my annual physical at 10:15. I got out of there just before 11am. Stopped at the HVAC place to pick up a billing from them, so we can get that in the next draw. Then I had to go to Wells Fargo to get set up as a signer on my side job's new checking account. Then across the street to Home Depot.

I talked to a guy about how to order the refrigerator, since I can't order online, because they won't ship to my neck of the woods and to find out if they can have it delivered to their store and then deliver to me. Yes, they can. For like $40 or so. He said if I don't need it right away, to wait until Thursday because they are having a big appliance sale starting and it might be cheaper. After it's ordered takes about 10 days to get it.

Then I looked at tile for backsplash. Turned out the one I liked best was actually half the price as all the rest of the stuff I was looking at, so that was good. $5 a sheet of tile, vs $10 (or more). But I also wanted to see what Lowe's had and made that my next stop. They didn't have anything I liked as much as the one at HD, plus their's was all $10 or more.

Then I went to Target for laundry detergent and toilet paper. I grabbed a small bottle of orange juice, because I forgot to bring a water with me. That tasted good. I haven't had room for juice in my teeny fridge! Then I went to the grocery store and did our 2 week shopping, except I couldn't get as much soda and water, since I didn't have DH with me to use the extra shopping cart. But, we have enough to get by until the next trip. I forgot how heavy a cart is to push around with 2 cases of water and 4 12 packs of soda.

Then it was back to Home Depot. I texted DH a picture of the backsplash tile to show our finisher guy to make sure it will work. He said perfect. I got grout too, for him. And while I was trying to get that stuff, DH was texting me to pick up more door stops, if they have the same as we got and then texted for some more tile stuff the guy needed. So, back over to the tile aisle. You'd think our building supplier, who supplied the doors and door stops would know we needed same amount of stops as doors.....

Speaking of the building supply guy. When he came out way back when to measure for all the trim boards needed, DH said he wanted to order extra trim so he can do baseboard (himself) in the shop, once it gets emptied out of all our house stuff). Supply guy said, and I quote "oh, you don't need to order that, there will be enough extra from the house. I always order about 15% more than you need." Ok....so Friday the finishing guy tells DH he's short trim and brings 150 more feet yesterday, that he got from a different building supply company. While I'm on the phone this morning with our regular supply guy (trying to find out where in the heck the top window pane for our entry door, that we've had for 2 months now, is at) ...I say "I don't know what happened with the trim baseboard measurements, but our finish guy was short and bought more some place else" He says, ya, he called me last week that he was short 60 feet but it would take me a week to get it, so he got it someplace else. (well, 150 ft and 60 ft short is quite a difference). So, then I said "plus you had told us there'd be plenty extra for our shop and not to order it" He said "I would never had said that" I said well, I was right there when you did! Good grief.

Back to my errands. Last stop was another building supply place for some super expensive roll of tape! $42! Holy cow.

I get home and putting away groceries and flooring girl calls and says "yep, your order was screwed up, we've got the right stuff coming, at no charge, of course" I said, well, it's already been laid in mortar now. Our finisher guy was in such a rush yesterday that he's got to get this done, plus when I found out we couldn't return it (before I realize it was wrong stuff) because he'd already opened all the boxes we basically decided we had to go with it and use it. It was after he got started on it and I kept looking into it more, I realized there was "river rock" and "river pebbles".

Then the owners wife called me. She had just found out what is going on. She said do you hate it? I said well, I don't love it, but it's not really a huge difference from what I was supposed to get. I don't know. She said they will do whatever they need to do to make it right, even if that means re-doing it. I said, let me go look at it now that the wood look tile is getting put on the walls. I'm sure that changes how it looks, rather than looking at dark green walls (what they use to seal it) next to it all. Well, finisher guy has ram board covering it, while he's in there putting the tile on the walls, so I can't really see. I told her to wait until I can get a good look at it and then we'll see how we like it.  Finisher guy says it will be a huge mess and headache to have to get all that mortar off the floor. They will have to grind it.

The wood tile in the shower I am loving.

You can see a little bit of the "ivory" pebbles on the edge. I mean they don't look so bad up against the wood as they do up against that ugly green color. And the "correct" rocks are going to be same shape/style, but just a little bit of color in them.

I need a nap really bad, LOL.


  1. I love the wood tile! It's kind of sexy :)
    Maybe you can get a good discount on the rocks/pebbles. It's probably better to leave well enough alone. Know what I mean?

    1. That's what I'm thinking too, especially since the rocks/pebbles are so similar. I think we'd be trading one headache for a probably bigger one, trying to change it.
