Monday, March 25, 2019

Friend update and more pics of doors

While we were chatting with our friend on Saturday, I wasn't there the whole visit (I had gone back in the shop for some water and soda) but when I came back he was talking about his wife. It will not surprise me if they end up divorcing in a few years. Their daughter graduates high school this year and their son in 3 more years. Friend said that he's thinking of moving to a different part of the state after son graduates, whether his wife wants to or not. He also mentioned their separate money is still an issue, mostly because he has no idea how much debt she has and she has never had very good credit. He said he was in her car the other day and there was some mail in it. One of mail was from one of those credit repair companies (he said she always gets mail like that, he, who has good credit, doesn't get that kind of mail addressed to him). It said something like "we estimate you total debt to be $35,000, you may benefit from our services" or something to that effect. He said he looked at it and said to her "you have $35,000 in debt?!". She denies it, but he has no idea.  Geez...what does a spouse do in that kind of circumstance?

He said he puts more into retirement, she puts very little (though she makes more money than he does). Friend said he thinks she has the debt and is not saving much for their retirement because her mom is well off and some day she'll get an inheritance, so she's not worrying about it. I think her mom is in her 70's. With the way she is about money I can't imagine her "sharing" any inheritance with her hubby. It's just so weird to me to be married and have separate money.  My DD has a good friend who has been married a couple of years and they keep their money separate and split the house payment and bills. She said they are constantly fighting about money.

And pretty much turns out, friend came over because he wants to borrow DH's pressure washer in about a month or so. LOL. Umm's underneath 10 feet of all our other stuff until the house is done and DH can even get to it.

The finishing guy worked all day by himself yesterday. Well, DH helped him with stuff, like he put the door handles and lock sets on and also the door stops. This guy does work hard, unlike most of the rest of them. I like him, he's pretty opposite his wife's personality. The building supply guy apparently didn't send enough trim. He did get the Dutch door between kitchen and laundry room put up and we are really liking that door, too.

He picked up the shower tile on the way here this morning and get started on that. With needing more trim boards, painter lady will just have more to stain and lacquer, again. Sigh.....

Tomorrow I have most of the day off work, as I have to go into the city for my annual physical and do a bunch of other errands.


  1. I love Dutch doors, and not just because I'm Dutch. Lol Many years ago my family had the opportunity to go through the house my dad was raised in. It was an old farm house with an attached barn. And, yes, there was a Dutch door dividing the two! What a neat feature to have in your house!

    1. We originally kind of wanted the dutch door if we had the dogs in the laundry room, but could leave top part open, but I don't think it matters much, they can't really see over it anyway, LOL. But we still like the door.

  2. Love that Dutch door! Nice touch. As for separate finances in a family; I don't get it. Keeping financial secrets from a partner is not a good thing. I guess partners/spouses should be on the same page with financial issues.

  3. Indeed that looks to be an unhappy marriage doesn't it. I know a few couples who kept their money separate. We never did - but then again I will never mix my money with anyone else again given how my ex could and did spend us out of house and home, so who knows who is right!

    1. very true! I just feel bad that he has no idea if she's racking up debt.

  4. Hubby and I have had separate money for 46 years. We have yours, mine and ours. We each put x amount of dollars in our joint account every month to pay the household bills. It works for us and we have no secrets and no debt. We know how much money each has and we have never had a fight about money! Works for us. Love the Dutch door.

    1. that is awesome it works well for you! I think that joint account is a good thing to have to share the household bills.
