Friday, March 8, 2019

Almost through to the end of the week

DH still keeps in regular touch with our old "good neighbor".  He's still there. He has a few more years before he can retire. He said the owner of our old house has a couple of travel trailers parked on her property that people apparently live in. Good grief. He said they are nice trailers though, all quiet, and since they don't deal drugs, he's ok with it, LOL. He always says he misses having us as neighbors :)

He's having a new fence put up. The old one has been there like 30 years, so it's time. The first owner of his place installed it. Though we had replaced part of it several years ago, that was getting pretty run down. He texted DH a couple of pics of the new fence going in and from the pics we could see into our old yard. Our flowering plum tree in the front yard is even bigger and all the thuja's we planted are getting really tall now! Like 10 feet tall! That's pretty neat to see.

Did I mention that DH found out that one of the drug dealers from the house behind us, with the walk up drug dealing window, finally got sent away to prison for a long time? He got sentenced to like 10 years. Wooo! It's about damn time.  Not sure about his brother - probably still dealing drugs. As that is all they know. The slumlandlord neighbor's son (the one who is like 40 years old now) is going through "drug court" for the umpteenth time. Ya....cuz that has worked out so well the last 10 times.  Such failed policies, because they think he is a "victim". He'll clean up this time, stop doing and selling drugs....he promises! Then yesterday DH found out one of slumlandlord's grandson's is in jail for burglary and drugs. Just like his dad. I had hoped those kids got away from that life, when their mom divorced slumlandlord's son years ago and went on to a better life (she got her degree and a good job).

DH had a guy from town ask him if he'd recommend our contractor....DH told him that's a loaded answer, LOL. I guess he was asking for someone else. A new business owner in town (moved here about a year ago) and wants to build a house.  DH told him, while we are happy with the quality of the work, that is all we are happy with. He would not recommend our contractor, at all, though there are several subs we would definitely recommend. DH gave him the name of the guy who did our insulation. He is also a general contractor and if he runs that part of his business anything like he's done with the insulation, he would be good. The insulation guy has given DH lots of advice, above and beyond the insulation, because our contractor can't be bothered with figuring it out.

DH is really struggling with the painter lady. Some of it is due to his own ocd'ness and the need to have everything clean and perfect, even while he's working on something. He's the type that will clean up after himself. But, I also get his point. The flooring in the garage is covered in paper, has been since taper guy put it down (in garage and house). Painter was like oh good, he left all his paper down, now I don't have to do it. The framing guys used the garage to cut all the beams and stuff to build the staircase. Of course they couldn't grab a broom and sweep up all the sawdust. I did that. Then, after the other days major lacquering job, the floor was covered in stuff that needs to be swept. (she sprays the lacquer, rather than brushing, so it's a big mess). The inside house flooring is all installed and done (and looks beautiful, by the way). They need to move all the doors inside the house to store and finish lets just track all that crap on the floor of the garage onto the brand new finished flooring in the house. DH said to them the other morning, can you sweep the garage up first, so it doesn't get tracked all in on the new flooring? Her response was "it's just going to keep getting dirty, so why bother?" track it all in the house and it all will STILL will have to be swept and cleaned up! So, why not just sweep it up in the garage first and limit the mess and sweeping to the garage floor? I think part of the problem is most of the houses they do are spec type houses that don't have owner's yet, so who cares, right? So, DH grabbed a broom. Spent maybe 10 minutes sweeping it all up. Yet, her 2 boys that help her spend half their time doing nothing, on their phones or ipads. DH said when he worked at a tire store as a young adult the motto was "if you are leaning, then you are cleaning!".

I've seen jokes made about men that have joint Facebook accounts with their wives....that the wives are control freaks...painter lady and her hubby have a joint it all makes sense....LOL!

They weren't even here 2 hours again yesterday. Supposedly, the contractor pays them by the day, so of course they really have no incentive to work very long. In one of DH's conversations with the contractor he wasn't very happy with them. Says when he is not there on job sites with them, they pull this stuff of leaving early all the time, but tell him they were there all day. I guess he told them to knock it off, because he and DH talk on the phone for updates, so he knows how long they were there. It apparently didn't do any good, haha.

Tomorrow morning is our bi-weekly trip into the city to do grocery shopping. As always, the couple of days before we down to the last of the food and snacks.


  1. Oh-I am so glad I never built a house. While I would love to have all just so, just my way, I know I could not deal with what you have dealt with.

    1. it's been quite the experience. I have a friend who's parents built a house. She said they had to keep on top of everything...but they missed the plumber that got the hot and cold backwards in the bathroom. They had hot water flushing through their toilet! LOL.

  2. We built our house and did not have anybody set up in our house or garage as their work area. A couple of the subs had large trailers that they could work in but not like the painter lady. She sounds like a pain but the real problem is the contractor to allow her behavior. Our house was built in 4 months because the contractor had penalties for going over that. Our contractor had one week off over the 4th of July when the concrete was curing. Just curious, did you talk to anybody else who had this contractor build for them? Does your bank have any stipulations for taking so long on the build?

    1. Hi Nd.chic, how have you been? I've missed your blogging. Well, if the builder had gotten it all done in 6-8 months we wouldn't have been building all through the winter! So frustrating. That's why they are having to use the garage work work area. it's too cold outside to do it. He built a shop and house for some friends of ours. Took him about 6 1/2 months. I asked them if they would use him again and they said yes...

    2. Aah, thanks. I've been good. I may blog again but I ran out of steam with blogging. I can't believe your friends would use your contractor again with his overages and lack of organization.

  3. I have never built but have done additions while living in the house. I never want to build!

    1. we sure won't ever do it again, that's for sure. But it will be beautiful and our forever home, so at least we'll have that out of all this :)

  4. It sounds like there's never a dull day with everything that's going on! I had an addition put in, several years ago, and there was a clause in there about the contractor paying a penalty if the work wasn't done on time. I'm sure your house will be lovely when it is finally completed, though. I'm sure you are looking forward to that!

  5. Garage door is a problem that mostly house owner facing, there many reason for the garage doors, if using wooden garage door can affected by the weather changes so some time we Services providers for the garage door.
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  6. Hi, your not going to believe this, but over the last few months I have read your blog from the very beginning!!! It's been quite a roller coaster ride you've been on over the years. Your house definitely looks like it's going to be your dream home when it's finished. Some of the subs that were working on your house would have driven me nuts, especially the painter woman. I think her and I would have had words!!!lol I will be following you and putting you in my reader so I don't miss any posts. Take care.

    1. Hi Janice - wow! I can't believe you read through all that, that is amazing! Thanks so much for commenting and making my day. I'll be sure to check out your blog :)

  7. We keep up a little with our old stomping grounds, too. Kind of interesting to see who has moved away, etc. Interestingly, our former house was sold again only 2 years after we sold it. From what I heard, the couple we sold to were transferred to another state.

    I sure hope that painter lady doesn't have too much more work to do at your house. She sounds like a real pain in the you know what!

    1. She was the only sub here yesterday. We managed to totally ignore her! LOL. DH didn't go out there once. She worked a "full" day - 6 hours, haha.

  8. You normally post very regularly. Now that I haven't seen a post from you since last Friday, I am concerned. Hope, everything is all right and that you are just busy.

    1. I'm here! Yes, just busy yesterday and I kind of rested over the weekend. Thanks for worrying about me :)
