Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Brain fog

As I start to get overwhelmed and overloaded with all the stuff I need to take care of (besides work) I start getting forgetful. I received an email notification from PayPal that my debit card linked to my account expired at the end of February. It's a debit card to a checking account I rarely use anymore. Oh, I don't think I got a replacement card in the past month! That is something I'd surely remember, isn't it?! I was about to call the bank about it, but then I decided to go through this stack of papers that got shoved over into another stack and see, if by chance, an envelope from the bank with a debit card was amongst it. Sure enough, it was. I don't even recall getting it.  I'm losing my mind, for sure.

I've lost track of what all I've ordered and through who the past couple of weeks. Stuff just keeps arriving via UPS or FedEx and I'm like "oh ya". Today's deliveries were 2 bathroom faucets and 6 corbels, for under the kitchen island bar countertop.  Our plan is to try to use some of the slabs of wood cut from our trees to make the countertop. I ordered some Alder corbel's from Lowes. They weren't super expensive (though some sure were) at only about $20 each. Originally the granite place had thought the bar countertop was to be granite and they included corbels/support braces as as separate line item in the quote.....$450 just for the supports! No thanks! We'll just do our own for $120.

Speaking of minds - oooh boy, my mom sure has her days. I did her tax return for her, again. In past years she got a refund, so I did the online filing and direct deposit method. This year she owes some and I told her she can either have it taken directly out of her account or mail in the return with a check. She wanted to do the mail return & check (that's what I would have done), so I mailed her the completed return. It's just 3 pages. First page is 2/3 instructions and the bottom is the payment voucher. The next 2 pages are her return. She could not figure out what she is supposed to mail in! I think it was that she hasn't actually seen a return in years. She thinks they are supposed to look like way back when you'd get the forms packet mailed to you or pick up extras at the library or post office...and hand fill them in. She's like, well what you sent me looks like copies. Plus, the 2 pages of the return are short pages. The first page is about half a page of return and blank on bottom, the second page is about 2/3. She was very confused by that and if she should cut off the blank areas. And, of course she's not mailing it in for awhile since she owes, so by the time she decides to mail it in in a couple of weeks, she's totally going to forget what to do, so I'm going to have to have this same conversation all over again. I actually did not do her tax return last year. She had some neighbor she barely knows do it (and then though it was wrong and I had to look at it anyway). She doesn't even remember now that she had this lady do it last year. I told her, no I didn't do your return last year and she's like "oh, well who did I have do it?" I had to remind her and then remind her that I don't mind at all doing it, it doesn't take me very long, but if she wants someone else to do it for her, I'd really like her to use a CPA or someone licensed/bonded to do taxes, rather than giving her social security and bank and investment account info to some woman she barely knows!

Our HVAC guy lives out near DH's buddy (who our contractor built the house for a few years ago). He just built a big house (he was his own contractor) and shop. I'd say they've probably been in it 6 months. He told DH today that he told his wife he wants to sell it, because the housing market is so hot, they'd make a bunch of money on it. He was told it would probably be worth 1.5 million. He said he and his wife got in a fight, LOL. She just went through a year of living in a shop, haha, finally has  her house, and now he wants to sell it. DH laughed and said he said the same thing to me the other day. We should sell it and make money and just go buy something else, haha. I wasn't having any of that either. LOL. DH wasn't really serious, anyway. He has no desire to move ever again, either. Or at least not for a very long time.

The painter lady and hubby/finish guy brought separate vehicles today. Maybe that means she's not working a full day, LOL. Finish guy does actually work a full 8 hour day here, so she's been having to stay until like 5:30, until he's ready to leave. But, at least she's been getting more done, being here all day. I don't mind her hubby at all. He's very laid back and easy to be around.

DD's future MIL is doing ancestry.com, so I guess she's having DD do a DNA test. That will sure be interesting to see her results! I told her I'd guess German, Scottish and Danish for the most part, but I'll bet we'll be surprised, haha. She asked if I still had my ancestry.com account and can she link her results to me? I said, technically I still have an account, I would just have to pay the monthly fee to reactivate it, which I'd love to do again someday. I have no idea if her DNA results can link to my account or not.


  1. With everything you have going on, I'd be in a year-long brain fog! Probably starting to feel like Christmas every day with all the surprise boxes to open. Lol

    Knowing very little about your state, what do you think is causing such a surge in your housing market? If the newly elected (but not by me!) governor of my state gets her way with imposing a 45 cent/gallon gas tax and a 41% tax increase on small businesses, you may see an even larger surge as people start to vacate and move elsewhere.

    Interesting about the DNA testing. I'd love to do it, but am not so sure I want my DNA out there. My family tree dates back to the 1700s and is all Dutch, but hey, you never know if someone may have strayed. Lol

    1. I'm not really sure why the housing market is so hot in this area (mostly confined to the city and immediate surrounding area). I think a lot of it may have to do with the demand is higher than what is available. I've honestly never figured out how people here afford what they do, as the housing (sales and rentals) are high, but wages are definitely not. That gas tax sounds like my old state, LOL. I think it's at .50/gallon now.

  2. It is only natural that you feel that way. So much going on all at once! On top of that, you are working from home too. I wish you could relax a little bit. Even a couple of days away would work wonders. However, since you are needed at the construction site to answer questions, I am sure it's not possible.

    1. A break probably would help, but then at same time I would probably not rest trying to answer questions by text or phone, haha.

  3. You have a lot of moving parts in your life right now. I am not surprised some things get forgotten for a bit!

    1. I was just relieved that I did find the debit card and didn't have to re-order one.
