Thursday, June 21, 2018

Working on some small details

Our electrician was working on the shop yesterday. It was decided we needed to get the bathroom fan/light installed now, so that he could wire and it would be up there when installation got done. Plus we needed to meet with the builder to sign off on all his invoices to submit to the bank for a draw. I stopped work at 2:30 and we headed into the city to go to Lowe's for the fan/light. DH had texted the builder we were headed in to stop at Lowes and then we'd meet up. We were trying to find what aisle the dryer venting stuff was in. I was standing there looking it up on my phone (so DH didn't have to use up muscles walking around the whole store) and DH was wheeling the cart back towards me. All of a sudden the builder came up behind me and said "boo". Scared the crap out of me LOL. He saw our car in the parking lot, so he came in and found us. Worked out good - he helped DH pick out some different things and answered DH's questions.

DH had the electrician put a plug in up in the outside top of shop - for xmas lights :)

The local painter lady had stopped by the property and left DH an envelope with her bid. We opened it up on the way to Lowes. No thank you. She was $2000 higher than the builder's painter. Plus she was kind of annoying. Just for the shop painting she wanted $5400 - and she doesn't even have to paint siding - it's all pre-painted.  We've used local contractors when we can: excavator, rockery, electrician and water well hook up. When all is said and done, I'll have to add up how much we contributed to the local economy here in our little town/county for this build.

I had thought DH or the builder had said he had to wait on our back ordered windows to do the siding, but that's not the case. The installation guys are supposed to be out soon (maybe tomorrow). Then the sheetrocking can start. I think the siding is getting delivered soon, too.  Also, next week, the builder's son that does the concrete work is coming back to do our back patio on the house. I cannot wait to see that! It will be concrete stamped to make it look like wood with a stone look border around it. I was joking with DH that even though we won't have a house yet, we'll have a patio we can sit on this summer and watch the river, LOL.


  1. Excitement! So much happening - I remember those days! I am reliving it vicariously through you! LOL I would have slapped the crap out of that builder - I hate being frightened like that ;)

    We did that too by the way - sat on the patio. I remember one night when all we had was the slab, we laid out on the concrete and just looked at the stars.

    1. I'm sure we'll get some patio relaxing time in, too. DH joked we could turn the house foundation into a swimming pool instead. LOL

  2. I have an outside electrical outlet. But, it is down low. You will use it lots if it is low. I had it put in but never dreamed I would use it so much. It is good to sell electrical stuff. I don't have to allow someone inside or string up and extension cord.

    That patio is going to be a work of art. I would sit on it even without a house.

    You said you were tired after standing so long. Carry two folding chairs and leave there when it is secure. For now, just leave two in the truck or car. I carry a chair in my trunk for just such occasions. When I had a storage unit, I kept one there for sitting.

    1. He has also put some outside outlets down low, but said when he was putting lights on our old house all those years he always wished he had an outlet or two up high near the roof so he didn't have to string an extension cord down. We'll definitely have to get our folding chairs out there. You'd be amazed at what all the contractors just leave out there, overnight. Tools, ladders, air compressors. There really is no theft around here. Our neighbors across the street here in town leave their snow mobiles outside.

  3. I am enjoying all these updates! Are you planning on putting a "personal stamp" (initials, date, etc) anywhere? The patio sounds like it is going to be a work of art. Can't wait to see pictures!

    1. oh, I'm sure DH has that planned, haha. He's already done it several places so far. In the foundation, notes on the framing (that no one will ever see again). LOL

  4. It must be exciting to watch a vacant lot turn into a home. Always looking forward to the pictures.

    1. it is and it's neat to look back at the pictures as its progressing. I don't really have much new in the way of pictures. Nothing major going on this week except electrical stuff
