Monday, June 18, 2018

Where'd our summer weather go?

Weekend before last we had to have the rockery guy back to add a bit more to the back rockery, to add some to be level with where our back patio is ending up. It was a days machine rental and labor. The guy emailed the bill and I noticed he's set up that I can pay it online with debit, credit or ACH. The past bill I mailed him a check. Since it's an $800 bill, I've decided I might as well use his online payment option and use my 2% cash back credit card and get $16 in cash back. Then I'll just pay the credit card, rather than sending him a check.  $16 is a nice reward, to me. I'm also going to wait 2 more days to pay him. Why? because that's when my credit card starts a new billing cycle and that way that $800 can be paid back on the 29th, on my next payday, without incurring any interest and without making me stretched too thin this pay period.

Last night I made meatloaf for dinner. I froze half of it and half is just the perfect size for us two. I'm glad I started doing this. Even hamburger is getting so expensive.  I'm also being more mindful when I make a chicken recipe we have quite often. It's a chicken with rice and veggies dish. I use chicken tenderloins instead of chicken breasts. Instead of using the whole pack, I use just what we will eat and freeze the rest. Now I'm getting almost 2 meals out of the pack, rather than cooking it in the dish and then throwing out a few pieces (since DH won't eat leftovers and this is one dish I really don't care for as leftover).

The server went down at work a few minutes ago, so I'll just type up this post while I wait for them to get back up and running. Usually doesn't take them too long, when it happens. It's nice though that we have this message app called Slack that I just looked on with my phone and saw other's commenting that they lost remote connection (half our office gets to work from home on Mondays). I guess Comcast went down in the area.

The roofer didn't get finished yesterday, so had to come back today. He had told DH he needs to be finished and gone by 1pm. Well, he didn't show up until like 10:30 this morning (so much for I'll be there first thing, haha), so he'll probably be there all day again now.  The weather is rainy again today. You'd think with all the rain we've had since Friday night, our lawn here at the house would be emerald green again.

My realtor just texted that the reason the showing got cancelled yesterday was that the lookers were first time buyers and they decided it was too far a drive to the city. For 100k less for same kind of house, I'd make the 45 minute drive LOL.

My neighbor at the property brought over another vase of flowers from her yard when we were working in the shop on Saturday.  So pretty! I'm definitely going to plant some peonies! Just so big and pretty, and they smell "delicious" according to DH, LOL.

They are such nice people. I guess one of their dogs might have cancer. He's 11 (and the loudest barker!). Poor thing. We didn't see him outside on Saturday with the other dogs. Their dogs seem to have gotten used to us being there now and hardly bark much like they used to (non-stop!) so that is really nice and makes us relieved. Our oldest dog is almost 10 now. Makes me sad to know he probably doesn't have very many more years left. But so far he's doing well. Still can run and play. I think the cosequin I give him for his joints helps too. The vet recommended it a few years ago, so I give him one every day.   

Well, still can't get logged back into work. Guess I'll go unload the dishwasher........


  1. We had a huge storm come through this weekend. An area not too far from us saw major damage with streets completely wiped out, sink holes, etc. Thankfully, other than losing power, we were spared. Crazy weather!

    Sad when our furry friends become seniors. Our two are now 15, which is old for larger dogs. Hopefully your dog has many more good years.

    1. that is a good age for bigger dogs. Ours are big dogs, too. One is almost 10 and the other just turned 5. Our previous dog was an Australian Shepherd that lived to 14.

    2. It is amazing that they keep going. We did recently build a doggie ramp as one of "our boys" was struggling a bit with the steps to get into the house. Oh, the things we do for our pets!

      I love Australian Shepherds. Beautiful dogs!

  2. I think your summer came here to visit. It is hot and humid and kind of miserable.

  3. neighbor dogs say, "Oh, they are putting up a house, so they must be okay. They are not going to just come out here and dig around."

    1. I think so too :) I love dogs - just not constantly barking ones

  4. It is hot and humid here today too. I think there will be a major thunder storm later in the day. The A/C is down and the new management doesn't want to spend money for something we will leave behind in a few months. Well that may be a good idea on their part but hey I am in menopause! I am using a small fan hooked up to my computer to stay cool-ish.

    1. ugh, nothing worse than trying to work and there's no a/c in the office. Leads to a lot of grumpy people!
