Monday, June 25, 2018

Weekend recap

Another weekend went by too quickly. Saturday morning we went out to the property to do a little "hvac" work, haha. It was another pouring rain Saturday. Ugh. He installed the flexible ducting from the bathroom fan to outside. When we were at Lowe's on Friday afternoon we also bought another fan/light set. Up above the bathroom he had them build a small "room" where he will put his air compressor and decided to put a fan up there, too.  I don't know how many times I was up and down that scaffolding to grab this or that. My job was also to tear off pieces of hvac foil tape, as he was also insulating the ducting. We had brought 2 rolls, and while sticky, the stuff tore easily. When we ran out we had to use some leftover tape he had purchased here at local lumber store. That stuff was the worst. You couldn't pay me to buy that brand again! LOL. It didn't tear, so I also had to have a pair of scissors in my hand, making the job even more cumbersome. But, this stuff needed to get done before all the insulation is put in.

While we were there the people who are building on lot 7 pulled in with their camper trailer. They are going to live there while there house is being finished. Still haven't met them yet. Their lot is too far down that we can't even see them from our property (as the lot next to us is up higher than our lot, too).

Our neighbors out there also had to put their oldest dog down on Friday. So sad. She came over to the shop and told us about it. I think we all almost were going to cry.

I'm not sure what, if anything will be going on at the property this week. The builder still hasn't said when the insulation guys are coming. I thought the guy doing concrete/patio work is coming this week, but we still haven't had that confirmed either.

DH went out to the property again yesterday afternoon, but I stayed home and vacuumed. He took his pick up so he could move his dump trailer. I guess our neighbor across the street, here in town, is going to borrow it this week, so DH got it moved where he could hook up easily and pull it out. The telephone company contractors will probably be there today to do some work. They had left their equipment parked there at the end of last week.

Nothing on interest to look at our house for sale :(  So, of course that has DH upset, too. It's all the realtor's fault. I don't even try to rationalize that argument with him anymore. I just nod and say yep.   I do think a few people have driven by too look. We don't get much traffic on our street and 2 or 3 have driven by and then driven down the alley. I am a bit surprised we haven't even had anyone even come look at it.Especially since the similar quality houses that have been on the market the past year or so (just a few of them) have sold in a few weeks. I don't think we've over priced it - maybe a bit, but someone can certainly make an offer. But in looking at what else is for sale in the area, I don't think we are out of line. One place is $5k less asking price, but it's an older home built in the 1950's and very dated. Another one in town for same price as us, much larger (has a basement) but it's also super dated (built in 60's). The next closest priced one is a nice newer home, but it's only 2 bedrooms, but on 2 acres, but no shop. They want $260k. For what's out there for sale, I think we are in the ballpark. Other than that one at $260k, we are landscaped, the others are not. After that the homes for sale are in the low $300-400k and that's a whole different price range for what you get for that money. If you want to get under $200k....well, you aren't getting much...two are mobile homes and one is a very old house in town that doesn't have a garage.  There's an older restored home in the next town (closer to the big city), no garage, only two bedrooms and they are asking $280k. The next cheapest houses in that town are some newer/larger ones, starting at $300k. The cheapest comparison in the city is $100k more than what we are asking. I think we'll get a sale, it's just not going to happen in 3 weeks. Probably a month or two is my guess. Which doesn't help for getting our new house started, but it is what it is.


  1. I don't remember when you put your house up for sale but it doesn't seem to me to be that long ago or am I missing something. And I'm sure it will sell - you'll probably get a couple of offers at the same time. Fingers crossed!

    1. Haha! No, it hasn't even been two weeks! Houses in the nearby city are selling same day and a couple similar houses to ours here in town sold in 3 weeks during the past year. Mostly just surprised we haven't even had any interest to come look at it.

  2. What did the realtor do? Or rather did not do? You have spent a lot of energy and landscaped the house. Is it advertised properly?

    1. DH just doesn't really like realtor's. He thinks when they list a house they basically don't do much for the money they get out of it. To a point I agree. They take pics, put it on the MLS and pretty much sit back and wait for another realtor to find a buyer for it. Obviously, there is more to it than that, but in our dealings with the one's representing sellers they only seem to care about pricing it for a quick turnaournd rather than working to hard to sell it.

  3. You had a busy weekend! When it comes to selling a house, it can be a huge test of patience. Although obviously the sooner the better, you are in a good position to wait it out. With your market being very hot, I doubt it will be long before it sells.

    1. yes, we can wait it out some, if we have to. We're just on the edge of the hot market area, so we will have to be more patient.

  4. You have a lot going on, I wish you well. We just sold our house and it is stressful. We close in 2 days. The thing about your house that I think from reading your blog and learning about you and your husband attention to detail. Your house will probably sell after just a few people look at it, not a bunch of traffic, but an offer soon after few showings. At least I hope for you!

    1. That's exactly what I'm thinking too. Not a lot of lookers, but it will probably only take a few and we'll have a buyer. If you are wanting to buy in this area there aren't a lot of options and this is a nice, well taken care of house and yard. Thanks for the well wishes!
