Friday, June 8, 2018

Cash back rewards

The first month we charged some building stuff (and got reimbursed for most of it from our construction loan) I earned $78 in cash back rewards. Last month I earned $45, by charging some of my regular monthly stuff (and some building stuff we are paying for) and then paid it off. Of course I'm trying to keep it available for needed construction costs, but once that is done I will be using it for my regular monthly bills and expenses as much as possible to earn that reward each month. I have a PayPal debit card I've had for several years that earns 1%, but this earns 2% and I can use it the same way - I just have to pay it off, with an online payment, rather than it automatically coming right out of my checking, as the debit card does.

My biggest monthly bill that I charge on my debit card is DH's health insurance of $560 a month. Well, I'd rather charge it on the credit card and earn 2% (rather than 1% on debit). $11.20 a month is a nice cash back on it. I can charge it and turn around and pay it off. At the beginning of the year the health insurance company sent out something that they were changing their website and log in. I was busy and set the letter about it aside. I didn't do anything with it for a couple of months because my payment is set up to charge my debit card automatically, so there's no reason for me to log in on a regular basis. When I got this new cc and wanted to use that for the payment, I couldn't log into the health insurance. I got the letter to look at it and realized you had to log in with the new temporary password in the letter within like 60 days and I had just passed it. I tried to call, but they wouldn't let me do it, they had to talk to DH, and he wasn't home. For the next week he was gone all day (out at property working) and was always gone too early to call and home too late. I just decided to forget about it for now.

Yesterday I got an email from the health insurance that my debit card is due to expire soon. (August). Well, shoot, now I will have to get DH to call (he hates doing that kind of stuff) so I can access the account online and update payment method. In the back of my mind I was like how is that debit card I have set up as payment method expiring? it's good until 2020.The email had a link to the payment account. I clicked on it just for kicks and tried to sign in with his member #, last name and date of birth. I got a message he already had an account set up. Then I clicked on forgot user ID and got emailed the ID. Then I tried my old password I had set up before and it worked! I was able to set up the 2% cash back credit card as the payment method. Yay! The account had my current debit card I'm using and still had my old debit card (that got hacked/closed) as secondary payment method, so that's the card they had emailed about expiring.

Just trying to get/save/earn every extra dollar I can ;)


  1. Are you sure that was a legitimate email? I would call to see, using a phone number you have used before. I does pay to be on top of things. I have to urge exbf to call about his finances.

    1. fortunately, yes it was legit. I also changed the password once I got into the account :)

  2. I don't blame you for wanting to get back as much as you can. I've done this too, making sure I immediately pay the bill off.

    1. I think my Target Red card is the best - 5% off right at check out ;)

  3. Don't you just wish that SOMETIMES you could talk to a real human!!! I worked 20 years in HR and we were GOOD but we talked to people directly! Then the powers that be decided we had to "improve" and everything went to hell in a hand basket after that because we were no longer allowed to deal with people directly. Everything had to be automated. Lordy, lordy, save us from automation!

    1. That's the funny part. I had to call and talk to a live person and they wouldn't talk to me. haha.

  4. I was saying I was moving to place where nearest Targrt is 30 miles away, but I would save money not browsing there and my friend said free shipping! I was like uh oh!

    1. LOL! Yes, I order quite often from Target. Using the red card is free shipping (or order like $25 or $35 without red card). They ship fast too. Some things show up the next day.
