Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Trying to get over the hump

Not much new going on today. The weather is back to summer temps and sunshine.  Now hopefully our mud hole the property turned into, after over 2 inches of rain since Friday night, will get dried out again. The electrician worked all day yesterday putting wire in. Still at it today. DH says the guy is a major talker. DH is getting worn out just listening to him, LOL. Says he has a story for everything. haha.

DH's dad got discharged and able to go home yesterday. DH's sis put a picture of FIL and MIL on facebook with a smile on their faces getting discharged. DH's older brother's wife comments stating why don't they know about this and what's this news he has cancer? SIL texts DH that older bro's wife must be drunk because SIL has been texting older brother the updates, just as she has been texting DH. She even got a text reply back from older bro "ok thanks". Then older bro's wife tells SIL that older bro's phone isn't sending texts, so send them to her phone. Good grief. Like SIL doesn't have enough on her plate dealing without having to deal with these two dumb^$##'s. They are 60 years old and have pickled their brains for the past 40+ years with alcohol and pot. (this isn't the brother than called DH recently, though he seems to be heading that direction)

DH called his dad last night and he seemed pretty good. Was glad to be home again. Hopefully once he gets to see his cardiologist again, they can figure out something to help his heart. SIL also said MIL is getting worse with her dementia and sometimes doesn't know who SIL is, even though she's almost a daily constant in her life. I'm pretty sure when one of them dies the other won't be far behind.

The stupid part with these two brother's of DH is they are acting suddenly all concerned, but neither of them call or see the parents for years now. Once in a blue moon and then it's by the parents trying to make contact. I find it annoying when people don't bother with someone until they are on their deathbed. Ok, so you got to ease you own conscious and now you feel so much better. What a crock. How about all these years you just flat out ignored them and couldn't be bothered? It's not that hard to pick up the phone once a week, or even once a month, and call.

I looked at my Amazon store card this morning -watching for the credit on the bad electrical part. It's showing what looks like to be another charge pending, not a credit! WTheck?! I guess I'll have to see if it turns into a credit when it posts. I'm going to be a bit miffed if it's another charge, to say the least.

DH had a visit at the property yesterday from an old acquaintance. We knew him, though another friend, years ago, but then he moved to this state. I think he lives about an hour and a half from us. They are facebook friends, so he knows where we live now and had asked DH where we are building. He was on the road - passing by, so stopped to say hi to DH. That was nice of him.

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