Saturday, June 30, 2018

Saturday stuff and what not

We still don't know anything about FIL's heart and what, if anything, his cardiologist plans to do. I guess he had an appointment this week, that basically told him nothing and he has to go back again on the 11th to "discuss options". Frustrating. The other frustrating issue is that DH tries to call him at least once a week, usually about every 5 days or so, and for weeks/months now something is wrong with their phones. They will be in mid conversation and suddenly FIL can't hear DH anymore and it usually happens a couple of times. DH is beyond frustrating to have to keep saying "can you hear me Dad?" and trying to call back, only to have it happen again. FIL thought maybe it was the battery in their cordless, so her put in a new one, but it also happens when he uses their phone plugged in direct to the wall. He's made a couple of suggestions to FIL to call their phone company and see if something is wrong in their lines. After another extremely frustrated dropped call the other night, DH asked his sis if she could look into it. Maybe they just need new telephone. Her reply was she doesn't have time and has already taken enough time off work. Seriously? First off, she works 4 days a week, so she has one business day she could look into it (how long could it take?) and you can call Comcast to report trouble anytime of day or night, weekday or weekend. So, it might take her 15-20 minutes to call and set up an appt time, if they need to come out and look.  At a minimum she could at least maybe take a phone from her house and plug in at their house and see if it's maybe just a matter of they need a new phone. DH can't be there, but he at least tries to call very regularly, which I know his dad loves, so why not try to help make it less frustrating for both of them.

With my bonus (set to deposit on Monday) I am able to get our building expenses we are paying out of pocket and charged on the credit card (and Lowes) paid off and back to zero, so that makes me very happy.

The building of this shop is taking ridiculously long. It's a rectangle building with one room inside. We are now past 90 days into this and not even near completed. The stupid insulation guys showed up at 2:30 yesterday afternoon (after they said it took them 3 hours to get there - not our problem). Worked a whole 2 hours, and left to drive 3 hours back (probably more like less than 2 hours). Why bother even driving out here to work 2 hours? Plus there is some issue that they are not doing what the builder told us was being done for insulation. He told us (and it's on his bid to us) they were doing 1.5" of spray foam insulation and then R-13 batts on top of that, with R-50 blown in the ceiling. They say they aren't doing batts. They are spray foaming and then put up this netting stuff and blow in the insulation material. DH is not sure about this as he has heard the blow in type eventually settles down the walls and you lose some of your insulation value. He called builder who was like "oh, I didn't know they were doing it that way, but that is better". So, who knows. If that way was better to begin with why wasn't it bid that way then? It felt to DH like the builder was just accepting whatever they wanted to do to get it done, since he is so behind schedule. They told DH that the settling doesn't happen anymore and that they really "pack it in" when they blow it in.

Anyhow, since they didn't get done by the end of Friday, like they were supposed to, now the sheet rocker can't come Monday and supposedly will come Thursday now, but I'm not holding my breath, since it's holiday week. We'll be lucky if this thing is done by Labor Day! I'm having a feeling we won't be building our house until next spring! Yesterday was just completely mentally exhausting as DH did nothing but complain and yell about everything the whole day. I was so tired of my phone ringing and then had to listen to it all evening after he got home. Bleh!

DH is at the property again this morning, as one of the builder's guys (one of his sons) is coming to set the patio foundations. Monday those are supposed to be poured, with a stained concrete, and then stamped to look like wood planks. I'm so anxious to see how it turns out.


  1. I hope things will speed up a little for you, though I remember when we added on being continually frustrated by waiting for whomever was supposed to work that day to arrive only to be a no-show.

    1. Contractors sure are annoying. They are starting to rank up there with car salesman 😒

  2. As long as you can get in there before the cold weather hits and before the house is sold, you will be fine. Do not let them get on your nerves so much. I am a worrier too and I know it does me no good. Take care and be well.

    1. What we are worrying now is even if we get the house sold soon, it'll be at least Sept before builder can start on house and if how long it's taking him to build the shop is an indication of how long it will take to build a whole house, we didn't want to live in the shop during cold winter months. We're just going to have to wait and see how long it takes to sell, I guess.
