Thursday, June 14, 2018

Back to normal-ness

It's early. I'm up (though I did get to sleep in a whole extra 15 minutes - wooo!). I've already logged into work. So far so good. Keeping my fingers crossed it will be a productive day.  oh ya, and add in to all the computer crap yesterday and I also had to get payroll done! Thankfully I had all but one employee entered yesterday morning before it all happened. Then I was able to log into the payroll company via anywhere (so I used DH's computer) and finished it up and submitted it.

I was going to order DD's fiance's birthday present Tuesday to make sure it was there in time. Ended up completely forgetting about it until last night. Thank goodness for Amazon Prime - it will still be there in time.

Here's a recent drone picture (for Jennifer!) with the power line dug
The shop is huge, especially because it has such a steep roof pitch. Maybe it's just the angle of the photo, but it makes it look like it's going to be bigger than the house and garage LOL. It's actually smaller than the house part.

Nothing is going on down at the house being built on the last lot. It's been like 6 weeks or more since their foundation was poured. Someone told DH it was that they had to wait 30 days for their concrete slab to cure, because they are having concrete floors (heated) in their house and it has to set 30 days before they can put the coating/epoxy/whatever down on it. But now it's been like at least 45 days, probably closer to 60.

Not much else is new. The weather is sunny, but cool and 66 today. I like that, for sure.


  1. THANK YOU!!! That looks fabulous! Yes, the shop does look bigger, but did ours when we were building - it is 1,200 sq ft and the house is 2,200 sq. ft.

    LOVE the rock wall - for some reason, I wasn't picturing it in my head. Very exciting times - it is amazing isn't it - to watch something go from paper into actual being. I still am in awe.

    1. Thanks :) The rockery looks amazing close up and I think it will look even better when we can get some landscaping plants on the tiers

  2. I like the aerial photo. It is coming along, finally!

    1. It's exciting to see progress, that's for sure. DH is working to hard with everything.

  3. I love seeing things start to take shape! How long do you think it will be before you move? Did you get your house listed yet? Exciting times!

    1. We listed our house on Wednesday. No sale yet LOL. I guess just hoping the shop is done by the time we do need to move.

    2. I'm sure it will only a matter of days before you see multiple offers! Fingers crossed for you!
