Wednesday, June 6, 2018

We have walls

After such a slow process these past 2 months, yesterday was a whirlwind of building. Finally! The concrete slab for our garage got poured, as well as there was enough concrete left over to finish pouring our shed/chicken coop and the gate piers. Now DH can finally get those backfilled in.

Most impressive was we suddenly have 4 shop framed walls up. Woohoo!

I'm not sure why the two tall posts, but they got cut down some, obviously something to do with the roof. That end of the shop will have a big tall roll up door.  There was a full crew working all day.  One of the inside components we need is something we sell at my company. I'm getting ready to place my order (at our lower than distributor cost) and yesterday my boss told me my company is paying for half of it for me. Very nice! I was hoping for that. That will save me about $1200.

Here's a drone shot from the end of yesterday, of the whole site

We are going to do some concrete stamping (down the road - when they pour patios and driveway pads) and have decided to put this stamp in our front entry way. One of the builder's son's does this work and sent DH a text with a picture of a stamp they had recently purchased. He's only got to use it once so far and when DH told him we'd like to have that one used,  he said he was really excited. It is this same stamp, though this isn't the one he did. His was kind of neat, because he used the stain to do more shading. I think it will add a neat touch to our place.


  1. That stamp will look really nice! I love stamped concrete. It is so versatile. So many different styles and colors. We did our patio to look like flagstone. It turned out nicely.

    1. it is neat with all the stamps and colors they can do. I think we're going to do the edges of our patio to look like wood.

  2. Wow! Amazing what can be done when people show up to work! Awesome!!

    1. isn't it?!! and especially when he sends a full crew.

  3. I got all excited for you even though I am so sick again! I know those feelings! Walls - actual walls! I would have loved a drone to get overhead shots - so cool!

    Stamped concrete is so beautiful - I LOVE that stamp! Very rustic and so my style! Congratulations - I know this was a long time coming!

    1. Thanks Jennifer! Sorry you are sick again! Hope you are enjoying your new home.

  4. I am excited that there is upward movement there. Where is the chicken coop?

    1. it's in the lower right hand corner. About 2/3 lawn mower shed and 1/3 chicken coop

  5. That drone shot is awesome! Remind me again, you guys plan to live in the shop,for a short time?

    Progress is good, hopefully no more delays!

    1. Hi, yes we will be living in the shop while the house is being built. I'm sure there will be more delays, lots of sub work for the rest of the shop now

  6. Super exciting! Are you guys going to have grass or decorative rock around the house/shop?

    1. yes, there will be quite a bit of grass all around. The driveway where the gate piers are will come in and split - one side to shop, one side to house and there will be a big island in the middle of it. There is also a large grassy area down in the lower level below rock wall at the back of house, that you can't see in the picture. Behind the shop, garage and shed will all be grass.

  7. That is going to be one beautiful house when it's up! Lucky you!

  8. I love that stamp! Exciting to see walls, too!
